The Giant Pumpkin (Kazumin)

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Kazuma rose up from the bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He turned his head to the window, seeing a surprising sight. He stood up and made his way to the front door, opening it and gazing upon a the thing he saw. "Behold, Kazuma! My greatest creation! I call him: Kamipumpum!", exclaimed Megumin, standing on top of a giant jack-o-lantern. Kazuma sighed. "Of course."

In all the time he has dated her, Kazuma knew one thing about Megumin: she loves Halloween. And not the usual love most would have for the holiday, but the kind one would have when their favorite TV show came on. "Where did you get this?", asked the young man. "I obtained a growth potion, of course. I thought it was about time I spent my rewards money on something useful."

"You bought a growth potion and made a giant pumpkin. How is that useful?", asked Kazuma. Megumin glared at him. "Okay, first, it's a jack-o-lantern. Second, it's useful for lifting up the Halloween spirit!" "The only thing you lifted was me from my sleep", grumbled Kazuma. His girlfriend slid down the giant jack-o-lantern and landed right in front of him.

"Now... let us discuss costumes! I was thinking I will be a heroic knight, and you will be my noble steed!" "No", Kazuma said. "Don't think just cause I give you piggyback rides that that means I'll be your damn horse." "Fine. Then I will be a witch and you my crow familiar. Or cat", said Megumin. "You were a witch last year", said Kazuma. "You literally wore just your normal clothes."

Despite how it may sound, Kazuma does enjoy Halloween. He was excited when he found out the fantasy world he currently lived in had holidays, and that they were celebrated the same way as they were on Earth. But of course, as usual, a certain trio of girls managed to make things frustrating for the poor man.

"Then what am I supposed to go as?", asked Megumin, looking a little disheartened. Kazuma sighed. "I have a fox costume. Maybe you could...." "Be a wolf? Yes! Two of the most famous predatory dogs! That is brilliant!"

Kazuma shrugged. "It's better than being a horse, at least." His girlfriend then jumped up, wrapped her arms around him, and placed a deep kiss on his cheek. "I'm gonna go find a wolf costume! Be right back!" Megumin turned and ran the other direction, leaving Kazuma alone with the overgrown jack-o-lantern.

"It is gonna be such a pain to move this." Suddenly, something rolled off from the top. It landed in Kazuma's arms. It was a pumpkin themed bucket, and inside it was none other than Chomusuke. "How long were you up there?"

Suddenly, Megumin returned. "I just remembered the costume store is the other way!", she said, before seeing her pet in her boyfriend's arms. "Ah, Chomusuke! I see you are getting into the Halloween spirit as well!" "You obviously put him in this", Kazuma said, referring to the pumpkin bucket containing the cat creature.

"No time! I must get my costume as soon as possible!", exclaimed the girl, before running the other direction. Kazuma sighed. "I guess I should get my costume too, huh?", he said to Chomusuke. The little animal only tilted its head.

. . .

It was the night of Halloween, and kids were running around, knocking on doors and asking the people who answered for candy.

Megumin stood in front of "Kamipumpum", hopping in excitement. "I can't wait for everyone to bask in Kamipumpum's glory!", she said. "And I cannot wait for everyone to witness you devouring me", Darkness said. Kazuma sighed. "Just because Megumin and I are dressed like a fox and a wolf and you are dressed like a sheep, doesn't mean we're gonna eat you!" Darkness merely curled up into a ball and wriggled on the ground, making Kazuma roll his eyes. "Don't let her discourage you", said Megumin.

Kazuma gave her a smile, then noticed a few kids approaching them. "Looks like Kamipumpum's got fans." Megumin excitedly turned around to see the kids. "Quickly Kazuma! Feast upon me!", said Darkness. "Shut up!", Kazuma yelled at her. Megumin payed no attention to their banter, and only proceeded to show off her giant jack-o-lantern to the young trick-or-treaters. "Behold!", she began. "The physical manifestation of the spirit of Halloween: Kamipumpum!" The kids stared in awe at the jack-o-lantern.

"What does it do?", asked one of the kids. "He can... well he can...." Megumin struggled to come up with an answer. Kazuma noticed her hesitation, and silently snuck into the pumpkin. "He can...", Megumin continued, still trying to come up with a good answer to the child's question. Suddenly, giant flames shot out of Kamipumpum's eyes and mouth, making everyone stand back in shock and marvel at it.

Megumin noticed Kazuma inside of the giant pumpkin, and he gave her a wink. The girl smiled at him and turned to the kids, standing confidently. "Behold! The mighty power of the legendary Kamipumpum!"

The kids cheered, before the moment was interrupted by a certain useless goddess. "I've got the candy! Who wants some?!" The kids surrounded Aqua and held out their buckets to her, getting various candy put into them. They then waved at Kazuma's party and left. The said man stepped out of the giant pumpkin, and was immediately hugged tightly by his girlfriend. "Thank you, Kazuma!", she said.

Kazuma put his hand on her head and petted it. "What did you do?", asked Aqua. "I used magic to give this big guy a dramatic flare. Those kids asked what he could do, so I showed them", explained Kazuma. Megumin thanked him even more with a barrage of kisses on his face. "Look at you being a good boyfriend", said Aqua. "More kids are coming!", said Darkness. Everyone looked ahead to indeed see more trick-or-treaters.

"Kazuma-!" "I got it", said the young man, and crawled back into Kamipumpum. Megumin gave him a smile, and prepared to entertain the children.

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