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A/N: the truth is being revealed...

Fred's POV:

"You're fucking psychotic." I said to Angelina. "I've been dating Bee for nine months and you are still fucking following me around everywhere. I've told you how many times that I love her. Not you."

"But I love you Fred. What you did to me wasn't fair-" she said.

"You're completely right. I was an ass. I used you and that was not right. I kissed Bee when we were dating, I dated you solely to get my mind off of Bee, then I got back together with you out of life jealousy with Bee and Taylor- I get it. Saying that horrible and what I did was horrible- but I apologized. I said we could still be friends. But what did you do? You posted fucking videos of Bee getting raped. Raped! You've cornered her multiple times and given her a hard time. She doesn't deserve that. She doesn't. And I don't either. So you need to back off."

"You only like Brooke because she'll let you fuck her!"

"You're so fucking wrong Ang." I said with a little chuckle. "I've always liked Bee. I've always loved Bee. You are obsessed and it's not right."

Everything I say to her must just go in one ear and out the other.

She stepped closer to me and I took a step back. "I'll let you fuck me Fred. I've seen your dick. I bet it'd feel really good."

"Get the fuck out of my dorm." I muttered.

"Please Freddie."

"Angelina!" I raised my voice.

"Fine." She huffed as she pulled out her phone. "But I hope Brooklyn's fine with everyone seeing her naked. I mean, she obviously doesn't care if she has sex so young." She showed me her phone and on it was Bee topless.

"What the fuck?" I muttered. "How the hell did you get that?"

"Shouldn't leave your phone unattended. You also shouldn't send nudes."

"Maybe you shouldn't break into someone's fucken phone."

"I always knew she was a whore." She sighed. "She's a handful. I'm not."

"You need to leave." I went to open the door, but the knob wouldn't turn. "Open the door." Of course I left my wand in Bee's dorm.

Angelina stepped up closer to me and put her hands just above the waistband of my belt. "Please Fred. Think about Brooke. You're doing this for her. Fuck me and she won't get exposed. Hasn't she already gone through enough?"

"I'm not sleeping with you Ang."

"Please." She pulled at my sweatpants and I shoved her back.

"Don't touch me." I warned her. She walked back up to me though.

"You're being dramatic." She said then put her hands under my shirt.

"Are you fucking high?! Get the hell off of me-"

She kissed me. Fucking kissed me.

You really shouldn't hit a girl, but I really don't care right now.

I took a step forward and she stepped back, and a few steps later I got her to the bed. She was smiling. I hovered my lips over hers as I put my hand on her back. "No one wants you." I whispered then grabbed her wand out of her pocket.

She grabbed the wand from my hand quickly- and threw it out the fucking window.

"What the fuck!" I yelled.

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