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Brooklyn's POV:

I was sitting with Tonks, listening to her talk about I don't know what, while looking at Freddie.

He looked so peaceful.

Which was surprising because he was talking with my dad... they've actually been getting along lately. Don't ask me what they're talking about though, because I have no clue. The two don't have anything in common with each other- other than they know me. They could be talking about me. Oo, are they talking about me. Oh no, what if it's bad. It's probably bad. Or it's good. Like it's about the baby.

It's probably bad.

Now I hope it's not about me.

Anyways, Tonks was talking my ear off, and I felt bad for semi ignoring her... but damn, Fred looked so good.

He didn't bother to change after work since we were already running late so he had a white dress shirt on tucked into his black trousers, his top buttons were undone though and his sleeves were rolled to his elbows, and the tie he wore around his neck was loose, he'll probably take it off later. He doesn't usually wear ties but I asked him this morning if he could and he did with no questions asked. I just wanted to see if he'd do anything I said. I guess wearing a tie isn't major, but he still did it.

He's my bitch.

Dinner was already done (I ate like crazy because baby 'gender to be determined' is starving in there) but we were asked to stick around because of some big news. I heard it from El, she heard it from Ron, who heard it from... I don't know.

I swear to god, if my mum is pregnant again...

Freddie finally looked over at me and this grin spread over his face so quick. My cheeks heated up so quick.

"How do you still do that?" Tonks asked.

"What?" I asked without looking away from Fred.

"Look at him like you haven't been together for 10 years." She said. "Seriously, you look at him the same way you did when you were 15, and 14, you didn't have that sexual tension at 13 but you sure were in love."

My cheeks went even more red.

"It's so cute." She said, "I'm happy you have him, because that idiot has the exact same look." I looked at Tonks and sighed a little. "Is everything the same about you?" She asked and raised her eyebrows.

"No, we sleep on our own sides. I never get any kisses from him anymore. I can't remember the last time we showered together." I lied but she didn't notice.

I woke up with my head on his dick this morning (well lap but I did feel his dick against my cheek). We were making out on the kitchen counter before we came here (well I was on the counter but you get the point). And we showered this morning before work. I got fucked reallyyyy good.

I looked away from her when my phone sounded and I smiled even more when I saw the text was from Freddie.

FREDDIE<3: I can see your panties under your skirt


FREDDIE<3: I don't remember putting that pair on you this morning

ME: you could see the underwear line through my skirt

I got three dots from him, then they disappeared. And they didn't come back.

"Are you two seriously texting from across the room?" Tonks laughed.

"Mhm. We do it a lot. We also judge you guys a lot." I said and she laughed again. I was being serious though...

I watched as Fred left the room, disappearing into the kitchen. I sighed. Why didn't he text me back?

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