| F O R T Y - F O U R |

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Okay, so I may be the worlds worse mother ever.

Just saying.

Fred and I have left Emmy with kalen and Draco overnight.

But three days?

You know those business trips George goes on for the company? There's one scheduled, and Fred can't avoid it. He has to go. Then last minute, I found out that I have to go to because my store is roped in with Fred's. Travelling hours on hours just wouldn't work with Emmy, and she's so used to Kalen and Draco, we decided it would be best if she stayed behind.

So basically I'm abandoning my child.

El's parents are watching Ophelia and Grayson.

It's only three days.

But still.

I'm horrible.

I hope she won't hate me.

She's 11 months and probably won't remember this but still. And she'll be having fun with Kalen and Draco. It's okay.

I hope.

The entire train ride there me and El said not a word to each other. I was cuddled up to Fred reading a book as he went over papers, as did George and Ellie was on her phone.

When we got to the hotel we still said nothing, and once we found out we were sharing a room, we said nothing. It seemed like she wanted to, but never did.

"I'll be right back love, me and George just have to go a few doors down for a minute." Freddie said. I nodded while crawling onto the bed, sitting in the pile of pillows and opening my book.

I am for real getting back into reading, and this book that I'm reading right now is so far so good. It's called Priest. I'm like two pages in. When I was in the bookshop, a worker recommended it when I said I didn't know what type of book I wanted.

Freddie messed up my hair and gave my forehead a kiss, then left the room with George.

I looked around the suite. It was pretty good. Like I said, it's a double bed sweet. Two queens, tv, couch, big window and balcony, mini kitchen. The people who organize this (the businesses Fred and George are partnered with) arrange all of this.

I heard a little laugh from El and I looked over at her from her suitcase. I furrowed my eyebrows, thinking she was laughing at me.

"Do you know what that book is about?" She asked.

"Um, no." I said slowly.

She abandoned her suitcase and came over to me, sitting down next to me. I watched her closely as she moved.

It's been three months since the whole trapped in our house thing. Since I went off at Ellie and she said sorry, and I've yet to forgive her. We e talked a little, but only if we needed to.

So this is new.

"Can I see?" She said and I gave her the book. She flipped only a couple of pages then gave the book back to me.

I read over the page, my eyes widening at every word.

Holy shit!

This is like the porn books I read when I was younger.

Yeah, I've kinda been obsessed with books for like, ever.

"It's a good book." Ellie said with a little laugh, seeing my reaction, "but very very descriptive."

"Umm, yeah." I giggled. "Oh my god."

'Every time I rocked my hips, my dick slid against her folds, and they were so warm. So wet.'

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