| S E V E N T Y - S E V E N |

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Brooklyn's POV:

"No! Drop it!" I yelled as I jumped on Fred's back.

"We gotta do it!" He said as he saved himself from falling forward.

"We said we wouldn't until the last minute!"

"It is the last minute!"

"Drop the box!" I put my hands over his eyes and pulled his head back. "Drop it carrot cake." I muttered in his ear.

"Bee, we're moving to Austin next week and we have nothing packed in this room. Literally none of our clothes are in boxes. You wanna leave your clothes behind?" He said.

"Not yet." I said. "One more day. We can pack tomorrow. I wanna sleep in here one more night before it's in boxes." I whispered.

He let out a little sigh and moved my hands from his eyes. "Fine."

"Fine." I said, then slid down from his back.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" Emmy said.

We both looked over at the doorway, seeing Emmy with wild hair in her pajamas holding her bunny.

"Did you climb out of your crib again Bean?" Fred sighed.

"Yep!" She said proudly.

"You can't do that honey." I said. "You could get hurt."

"I want a big girl bed." She said.

Fred walked over to her and picked her up. "You're going to get a big girl bed in a week Bean. It's already ordered."

"It's coming here?"

"No it's going to our new home." I said.

"In Austin?"

"Yes." I said.

"Oh. Okay. Daddy can you put me back to bed?" She asked.

"Yes. As long as you stay in there." He said.

"I will. Bye bye mommy." She said and did a little wave.

"Bye Emmy." I said.

Once they were out of the room, I let out a little sigh and looked down at the empty box, waiting for clothes go in.

"Don't look at me like that." I whispered to the fucking box. "This is my bedroom." Then I kicked the stupid thing.

"Okay, can we at least decide what we're getting rid of because I'm gonna have to drop that shit off at the donation box soon." Fred said.

"I want everything." I said.

"You can't have everything."

I looked back at him. "But I want it."

"Am I gonna have to play the happy or not happy game with you?" He sighed.

"... maybe."

"Sit." He said.

I took my spot on the couch and crossed my legs. He opened the closet. "Backpack?" He held it up.

"I've had that backpack since school. I bring it everywhere when I travel." I said.

He dropped it on the ground to the left of him.

"Shoes you've had since you were 11 and you haven't worn us six years."

"Emmy could wear them. They're vintage." I said.



He dropped them to the right.

"Another pair of shoes you've had since you were a kid."

"You got me those though. I like them."

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