| T H I R T Y - O N E |

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Fred accidentally came in me last week.

That was interesting.

Felt so fucking good, but Y'know, Fred can't cum in me.

So the next day, I took three pregnancy tests, all came back negative. Then Fred took me to the clinic and got my blood taken. I didn't like that at all, but lived with it.

I'm not pregnant.

Thank god.

But after we were done at the clinic, Fred dragged me to the drug store and bought condoms.


We haven't used them since he bought them six days ago, he's just been pulling out still, but I know we need to start using them. I cant keep on getting blood taken every time Fred finishes in me.

So yeah, that happened.

Freddie was laying on the couch, holding Emmy above him. Stretching his arms up, then bringing her back down and kissing her cheek. She was giggling every time he did that.

I was smiling as I watched them.

Emmy's giggles sounded like music to my ears... and the smile Fred had for her.

I can't believe I kept this happiness from him for so long...

I got up from the other couch and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a water from the fridge. I tried to twist it open but I couldn't.

Fred always open the cap for me...

I tried to turn the cap again but I just ended up getting a red spot on my thumb.

Wow, am I really that weak.

I walked over to the back of the couch Fred was laying on and looked down at him with slightly pouted lips. "I'm weak." I mumbled.

He laid Emmy down on his bare chest and reached one (fucking beautiful) hand up and twisted open the cap.

"How?" I whispered.

"Secret." He said and winked. I smiled and walked around the couch, getting on it and sitting down on his lap. He had a hand on Emmy's back and the other on my thigh, his thumb stroking against my skin.

"Is she out already?" I asked and leaned forward a little, looking at Emmy. He head was turned so she laid on her cheek, her lips apart a little, and her eyes were closed. "How does she sleep so much?"

"Cause she's related to us." Freddie snickered.

Oh yeah, never thought of that. Fred and I sleep a lot. Like a lot a lot.

I leaned over and put my water on the coffee table then got up and picked up Emmy, careful that she didn't wake up. "What're you doing?" Fred asked.

"Laying her down on her crib- unless you want her in your chest. I never thought of that."

"You can go lay her down." He said with a soft little smile.

His smile made me smile as I spun around and headed up the stairs. His smile has always been contagious to me, and mostly it affects others too. He always smiles at me, and it's so damn pretty, but seeing Fred smile at someone else other than me is a delicacy and everyone can agree on that. It's the same with his laugh. His deep, sexy laugh... he laughs with me and not with others. He'll laugh if Kalen gets hurt or something, but other than that, he'll chuckle for a split second.

Freddie has different smiles and it didn't take long for me to notice that. When he's smiling at someone else, he always has that little look of forcement on his face. When he smiles ar Emmy, it's not forces, and you can see the happiness in his face.

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