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Demi's POV.

It's been a week now,since Joe has been into treatmeant and Nick has been staying over,to help me with Audrey. "Mommy.." She crawled onto my lap."Yeah baby?" I stroked her dark brown locks. "Where is daddy?" She frowned. That killed me. "Daddy's sick,sweetheart. He's getting better." I kissed her forehead.

"When will I see him again? I miss him,I don't miss you guys fighting.." She lays her head on my chest."You'll see him soon,I promise. He miss you too."I rubbed her back softly.

"Wanna go swimming,Aud?" Nick asked. "Swimming?" She looked at Nick. "Yeah!" Nick smiled."Okay!!!" She smiled big,I picked her up and carried her to her room to change her into her swimming suit."Okay,go tell Nick to help you get your floaties on." I kissed her cheek and  I went to put on my black one piece swimming suit and I tied my hair into a messy bun and I headed to the backyard.

I sat down in a lawn chair.

"Mommy,watch!!" Audrey yelled. I looked at her,"Okay,I'm watching." I smiled,so she did she jumped into the pool and Nick caught her."Dide you see that,mommy?!" She smiled.

The only reason I am soo happy,is because my daughter."Good job,baby." I laughed.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it!" I got up and opened the door."Is it true,Joe went to rehab!?" Selena hugged me.

"Well hello to you too." I laughed and hugged her back."Well is he!?!" Selena looked at me."Yeah..I found him taking depressants..it was about 70 bottles.." I sighed. "I'm sooo sorry!!" She hugged me tight.

8 months later.

It's been 8 months and 2 weeks since Joe left to go to rehab. I miss him. I am hoping he is making progress. I was doing the laundry and I noticed a yellow taxi in front of our gate. I kept watching out,suspicious.

Here comes a dark haired guy with some black raybans on his eyes and he brought out his suitcase.

It was Joe.

I screamed and ran outside. "Whoa what is it,Demi!?" Nick chased me out.

I ran to Joe and I jumped onto him.

He smiled. "I'm back,baby!" He replied and I kissed him deeply. He dropped his suitcase and put his arms around me.He side hugged Nick,"Hey bro." He smiled."Hey dude." Nick smiled back.

"You took care of my loved ones,right?" Joe joked."Of course." Nick smiled."Where is Audrey?" He looked at me. I got down from his arm arms and took him to Audrey's room.

"Audrey wake up..there is a surpise for you." I smiled as I turned on the lights. "What is it mo--DADDY!!" She rushed out of her bed and ran to her father.

"AUDREY!!" Joe ran and picked her up and swung her around,then he hugged her tight."You better daddy? You not sick anymore?" She looked at him and he smiled big."I'm better,I'm not sick." Joe smiled and kissed her cheek.

"So how bout you guys..got out on a date..tonight,I'll watch Audrey." Nick requested. "I don't know if Audrey would like me to leave her already." Joe chuckled.

"No,go daddy! Make up with mommy. Mommy was sad." Audrey laughed." Okay,I guess I'll take mommy out." Joe smiled at me.


I wore a black topshop mini dress with some bracelets and black heels and I straightened my hair."Let's go babe. Bye Hun." Joe kisses Audrey's forehead and I did so too and we headed off.


We sat at our table. "I'll have a diet coke please." I smiled at the waiter. "Same here." Joe replied to the waitress.

"What?" I blushed as I saw Joe looking at me. "Why.." He asked. "Why what?" I looked at him,confused.

"Why did you stay with me?..Why did you send me to get help?..You could of left me..?" Joe put his hand over mine,across the table.

"Because..you were mentally sick. I had to think about our daughter..and I love you." I smiled at him."I love you so much." He pecked my lips. "Plus,someone had to do it,I didn't want you to be dead." I laughed a little. "Thank you." He smiled.

"Demi...I gotta tell you something..I can't hold it in anymore." Joe sighed."Okay,spill." I smiled a lil.

"When..when I was on those...pills...when I out..I..um..I..met girls.." He said nervously. "And you slept with them?" I finished for him as he nodded. "I'm sorry..I don't really remember it..It was the pills,really. You know I would not do that to you." Joe looked at me and a smile appeared on my face.

"I understand,babe." I pecked his lips.

I am really glad to have my Joe back,the love of my life.


This chapter is pretty sweet :)



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