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"Hey guys,how did it go?" I asked when the boys walked in. "It went go,Joe you tell her." Nick smiled. "I was able to walk a little! Babe guess what!" Joe said with a smile.

"What?" I smiled,making Audrey a sandwhich,"The therapist said since I can walk some,I can get spinal surgery and then I'll be able to walk again!" Joe smiled, "Surgery?" I looked at him.

"She said it's nothing major,that I'll be alright. Babe,this is good news!" Joe wheeled to me,"I haven't planned anything,I told her I had to ask my wife." He sighed.

"I think you should do it."I smiled a little,"We got a doctor's appointment tomorrow." 

"Alright,thanks babe." Joe kissed my hand and wheeled himself to the bedroom to make his surgery appointment. "He is going to be okay,right?" I looked at Nick. "Yeah,they said it's a quick procedure." He patted my back,"So you want me to watch Audrey tomorrow,right?"

"Could you?" I handed Audrey her sandwhich,"Thank you mommy! Can we go to Chuck E Cheese's,uncle Nicky?" 

"Yeah,of course." Nick smiled. " I love you so much,Nick!" I hugged him. "I love you too." Nick hugged back.

"My surgery is in two days!!" Joe yelled from the bedroom.

"Selena came earlier today.." I sighed,"Yeah and?.." Nick looked at me,"We had a fight..She wanted to see you,but I took things over the top." I sighed. "It's okay,Dems. You guys will make up sooner or later." Nick said and made himself a sandwhich and sat next to Audrey.

~The Next day~

I slipped on a tshirt and some jeans with some flat shoes and I put my hair up into a ponytail,I didn't even bother putting on makeup.

"You ready babe?" Joe looked at me and I nodded yeah,I wheeled him out."Bye princess!" Joe kissed Audrey's forehead. "Bye dude." 

"I gotta help you in the car." Nick laughed and helped Joe get in the car,"You sure you can do this by yourself,Dems?"

"Yes,Nicholas." I laughed,"Bye! Bye hun." I kissed Audrey's cheek and got in the car and drove to the doctor's.

"You've been with through everything.." Joe put his hand on my thigh. "Well...I love you,babe." I smiled. " I love you more." He kissed my cheek.


"Mr. and Mrs. Jonas? Your doctor would like to see you now." the assistant as said. "Thank you." Joe said as I wheeled him to the room. "Welcome,oh what happened?!" the doctor asked. "Car accident." Joe sighed.

"Oh,I'm sorry. Mrs.Jonas please lay down." The doctor instructed and I did. he raised my shirt and put the cold gel on  my belly. "You look good." He smiled,"Thanks." 

"I see four feet." He said. "We're having an alien baby?!" Joe said,shocked. I started laughing. "No." the doctor said with a chuckle,"You guys are having twins! If it's two boys or two girls,or one of each,we don't know yet."

"Oh my.." was all I could say.

"Holy shit." Joe blurted out. "Congratulations." He laughs,"So  is the next appointment, September 24 okay?"

"Um...well..we're thinking of moving to New Jersey soon.." I said. "Oh,well,I'm going to miss you guys,I can help you out and find a good OB doctor for ya'll."

"That would be great,thank you so much!" I smiled.

3 weeks later.

We bought a house in New Jersey and Joe can walk again. We arrived at the airport. "Can believe you guys are leaving us." My mom said. "It's for the best." I sighed,"We'll call you when we get there." I hugged her.

"Flight to Wyckoff,New Jersey,Aboard!!" The lady in the intercom said. "Well,this is goodbye..." I hugged everyone and so did Joe. "Bye everybody!!" Audrey waved and blew everyone a kiss. "Bye.." I took Audrey's hand and headed onto the plane.


We walked into our new home,"Here's our new home,sweetheart!" I smiled. "I love it mommy!!" Audrey started running around  the house. "Let me show you,your room." I smiled.

"I'm going to explore town. I'll be back to make dinner,babe." Joe pecked my cheek and left. "Okay.." I sighed took her to her bedroom.

It was white,but with big  colorful polka dots on two walls and a cool  pink light fixture and a white carpet and some 2 year old things and a pink bed spread and purple curtains. "I love it,mommy!!!" Audrey smiled big.

"Looky here." I smiled and grabbed a marker and I drawed on the wall then I erased it. "You can draw on your wall,baby!" I smiled. "Mommy!!" She smiled big and started drawing,"That's you and me and daddy! I made me big because you are having a baby,mommy!" 

"I love it." I smiled.

Joe's POV.

I was driving around town and this looks like a pretty good,safe town. I passed a club and I started thinking,this could be my last time going to a club. I parked my car and walked inside. I sat down,"Beer please." I sighed.

The bartender handed me a glass of beer. "Thanks." I took a sip and what was going on in the club."Hello sexxy." This blonde beauty turned my seat around and put my glass down and started dancing infront of me.

I gotta admit,it was pretty sexy. She started dancing on me,"So what is your name,handsome?" She winked at me,"Um..." I studdered my name,shit,did I forget my name?!

"I'm Joe." I smirked and I slowly put my hand on her waist. "I'm Brittany." She winked at me.

Demi's POV.

It was the next day and I was making lunch for Audrey and I,I was chopping lettuce in the kitchen. I heard the door open and here comes Joe entering the kitchen and he wrapped his hands around me,kissing my neck. 

"I would back off if I were you." I glared and he pulled away. "I'm guessing you heard what happened?" Joe said.

"When will you grow up!?" I put the knife down and went to the kitchen sink and washed my hands. "I'm older then you,aren't I?!" Joe said. "You don't see me going to club and giving stranger a lapdance,Joe." I glared.

"Nothing else happened!" 

"Nothing else happened!? Then why are you just getting home!?" I glared  and I started cutting up the carrots. "I was too drunk and I passed out,I guess! When I woke up,I was fully dressed!"

I sighed.

"I'm sorry,I'm not as hot and gorgeous as those girls." 

"I never said that! You are so gorgeous!"

"But yet you prefer to go to a club and have a nice lapdance from a slut,uh okay." I sighed. "Babe,I love you!" He said.

"Joe...sometimes I feel that I love you more then you love me..and that hurts..maybe.." I choked a little,"Maybe...we just need a break from each other.." I wiped my eyes.

"A break?! We're married,not dating,Dem--"

"I mean a seperation,Joe. We need time apart. We fight way too much,it's tiring and annoying.You can come see Audrey whenever you wa--"

"No! we're having two babies together!"

"Joe,I never said divorce,it's just a seperation..so I can think and you can too." I sighed,"Dem,I love you." Joe cups my face.

"You really proved it on our anniversary vacation and you also proved it last night." I sighed,"Just go..."  I pulled away

"Fine.." Joe sighed and walked out of the house with slamming the door.

I bit my bottom lip and resumed cooking.


Did Demi do the right thing?

Are you crying like I am? Lol.


Never Let You Go.[Jemi]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora