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"Ya'll can have the downstairs bedroom,since Joe can't go up the stairs." Nick said,"Where will I be staying?" Audrey asked."You.You'll be staying the awesome upstairs bedroom." Nick picked her up and carried her upstairs. I pushed Joe to the bedroom and I helped him get in bed.

"You got me up too far." Joe complained. "Sorry." I said as I pulled him away. "Now you made me too low on the pillow!" Joe said.

"DAMMIT, JOE!" I barked,"Look,I'm sorry that you have to paralyzed and you are probably mad that you are,but it doesn't mean you can treat your wife like shit!  I'm fucking pregnant and our flipping house got burnt down and we lost everything. I'm trying to best I can! So you can fix your own bed,damn." I glared at him. and I took a pillow and left and went to Audrey's room. 

"What you doing mommy?" Audrey looked at me. "I can't sleep,may I sleep with you?" I pout my lip."Sure mommy!!" Audrey scooted over and I layed next to her.

It was now 3 am and I couldn't  sleep. I got up and went downstairs and I heard Joe watching tv and I went to his bedroom. "Came to yell at me some more?.." He looked down and muted the tv. "No..I can't sleep...and I'm sorry I went all bitch at you. I just got fed up with the way you were acting.." I sighed and sat at the edge of the bed.

"No...I deserved it.." Joe sighed,"I'm sorry..I'm just worried what if I don't get to walk again..I won't be able to help you with the baby.."

"Babe,I'm worried too..but  you need to stay positive." I sighed and layed next to him. "I'm sorry baby." He looked at me. "Me too." I layed my head on his chest. "We both had bad birthdays this year." Joe stroked my hair.

Realizing today was now August 21st. "Shit,I forgot it was my birthday!" I sighed."Birthday Smirthday." Joe smirked. " Be right back." I smiled and got up and got  Sparkling grape juice and a beer for Joe and went back to the bedroom. "Nothing like a late birthday party." I smiled. 

"Happy Birthday,baby." Joe pecked my lips and took a sip of his beer. "I hate that we fight alot." I sighed.

"Me too." Joe held my hand,"But it's worth it,because we have awesome make up sex." He smirked.

"Gosh,you're discusting." I laughed while I blushed. "Okay,serious time,how bout we move to New Jersey..away from the shit that is happening.." 

"You're wiling to leave your friends and family?" I  asked,"If you are..I mean it would be safe for Audrey..and our baby."

"Let's do it." I smiled,"I'll start searching when you head to therapy." I kissed him."Okay. Night!"


"Wake up guys,Joe,we gotta get you ready for therapy!" Nick helped Joe into the wheelchair. "Mommy! You didn't sleep with me!" Audrey climbed onto the bed,"Sorry sweetheart. Daddy couldn't sleep." I kissed her forehead.

"Are you coming to therapy,babe?" Joe looked at me and I nodded my head no.

Joe's POV.

"Dude,we can't go yet,I gotta pee and shower." I told my brother. "Okay,let's take you to the bathroom.." Nick pushed me to the bathroom and helped my use the bathroom. 

After I finished and helped me into the bathtub. "Can you do this?" He looked at me,"Yeah I can,I'll call you over when I'm done." I told him.


"NICHOLAS!!!!" I yelled from the bathroom. "Coming!" Nick walked in,"So Demi told me you guys are thinking go moving to New Jersey?" Nick said,"Yeah,I mean this town seems nonsafe for Audrey.." 

"Yeah,that's true. You should do it,bro." Nick said as he got me dressed."Okay we're heading over to therapy." Nick wheeled me into the kitchen. "Good luck,babe." Demi pecked my lips,then I wheeled myself to Audrey,"See ya babygirl." I kissed her cheek and then I left.


"Have you felt anything?" The therapist asked,"No,well..a felt something..but very lightly." I told her. "Oh that's a good sign!" The therapist smiled. "Since you felt a little something,we want you to try and walk" She said and pushed me to this big mat that had bars on each side.  the lady helped me up and I grabbed onto the bars and I slowly moved my legs as she instructed.

"How does it feel?" She asked,looking at her notes,"It hurts like hell." I groaned.

Demi's POV.

'I want a house that has a jungle gym!!" Audrey smiled big as I was on Nick's laptop looking for a house. "That's impossible,Aud." I laughed.

"Mommy?..." Audrey looked at me,"Yes hun?"

"Your belly is big!" she smiled. "Well,baby..." I looked at her with a smile,"You are going to be a big sister." 

"Yay!! I hope there are 6 in there! Hey baby bother or sissy!!" Audrey placed her hand on my stomach. "I don't think 6 is in there,sweetheart." I laughed.

Suddenly the doorbell rang,I got up and answered it. "Oh hey Selena."

"What are you doing here?.." Selena asked,surpised. "Our house got burned down,so we're staying at Nick's. " I said to her,"Nick took Joe to therapy."

"Oh,well..I'll be back later then.." Selena turned around. "When did and Josh hook up?" I asked her. "Who told you?" She turned around.

"Josh did. So you go mad at me for hanging with Justin,when you slept with my ex. When did you do it?" I glared.

"9th grade and it's totally different!" Selena said,"Oh really?! Because sleeping and one of your best friend's ex sounds more worse then doing a dang duet with the other."

"Look,I'm sorry!" She apologized. "And I'm sorry for ever thinking you were a real best friend." I shut the door.



Gett ready for UPDATES,UPDATES. Until next Weekend,I'll be out of town :\ But i'll try to update then,it's just hard to write on my phone haha


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