Chapter 19 : Keefe POV

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A/N: So sorry for the long wait! Kinda had writers block. But I'm back just waiting for inspiration to strike I guess.

ALSO I WANT TO PROMOTE A STORY BY drlivvy, another reason I haven't uploaded in so long. THEIR STORY CALLED KEEPER OF THE LOST MEMORIES IS MIND BLOWING. I cried, laughed and gasped multiple times. It's actually got a really good plotline and it's like really plot twisty and maybe the writing is even better than shannon messeneger i swear. So go check it out! THIS AUTHOR IS LIKE AN INSPIRATION!.

Okay, so in the two weeks  I've spent thinking about what this chapter will be about the story has reached 2k. Oops?....

Anyway I'll do a 2k special soon. 

Also I had that concert and have been rlly busy with exams and I just got maths back and barely passed. So I'm trying to study more. So I might update less frequently.

Keefe Sencen wasn't breathing properly. He couldn't breathe. 

His mother had picked up shortly after he called. 

"Son." She had regarded him so carelessly, so unlovingly. Like he was nothing to her. Nothing important at least. Her defined cheekbones were angled away from him and she didn't maintain eye contact. Her face was splotched with purplish-blackish bruises.

I had to grimace to reduce the chances of me snarling. I looked at her appearence, she appeared to be slouching over something, but she straightened when she saw I noticed. She straightened to her full height and questioned.

"Well....I don't have all day, and by the looks of things...neither do you, so quickly hurry up. Your analysis is not going to help solve anything."

My lips pulled into a small frown. "Fine, I'll get straight to it." 

I smirked a little. "But first Mother, I need to ask you a few questions..."

Mommy just rolled her eyes and sighed defeatedly. "Whatever do you want now?" 

"To join the neverseen." I said quickly, worrying that if I took too long I would take back the unforgivable words.

Mother's eyebrows shot up, like a rocket. I smirked. "Don't go all rocket eyebrows on me there, mummy." I said flatly. 

Her eyebrows settled but her smirk- so alike my own was etched into her skin. "Oh- perfect. Did you finallyy realise that Sophie doesn't care about you?" 

My frown deepened a little. The words stung, a new wound to add to the collection of those I'd gained before. 

Her words added to the collection and my mind fell back into a dark time. 

"Keefe, what are you planning on doing when you finish Foxfire?" 

Only 7. 

"I don't know daddy....I want to paint people!" I cheekily smiled whilst holding up my painting of me and him. How, little did I know about the real world. "What is foxfire?" I curiously asked my father. 

"A school, one you need to get into, I will not have a son who is going to fail me, he must be an emissary. Not an...artist." He spat the word, as if revolting. 

Only 7 

Too young

I frowned causing my mind to spiral more. "What's an emissary?"

"A very important person, it's a job. My job."  My father continued with the  at-the-time seemingly endless stack of papers he had collated on his desk. 

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