16. Desire

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Adriano Di Lauro

I never thought I would enjoy my wedding so much, but I do. My new wife is an expert dancer and I see myself dancing a couple of pieces with her. She is sensual and at the same time delicate, a seductive cream.

She now dances with my children while I dance with my mother. Seeing the three of them together is hypnotic and unleashes long-buried emotions inside me.

"She's a good girl", mom says following the direction of my gaze.

"I know". I nod seeing them smile carefree. How have they established that kind of connection? I have no idea, but it is something very strange and surprising.

"She will be a good wife."

I turn to see my mother to examine her face carefully. Something has changed.

"I thought you disapproved her."

"That was before knowing she is Gibson Reid's daughter."

"You let yourself be carried away by prejudice", she pointed out with a disapproving tone.

"Yes I admit it. You know I'm not prejudiced or old-fashioned in that sense”. She jumps defensively. "I don't support the stigmas of conservative society... but sometimes I can't help but let the old ways take over my judgment."

"However, you accept her because of her family's position", I comment with marked irony.

"I don't deny that plays in her favor, but it's not the main reason. I accept her because my grandchildren have fallen in love with her and I hope you do too. Besides, I already know where she comes from”, she adds. I know her perfectly and can deduce the implicit truths behind her words.

"You have investigated my wife", I conclude without any difficulty.

"And you can't blame me for it". She uses an accusatory tone as she raises her eyebrows to justify her actions. "After all, you just met her a few weeks ago your rush to marry you was disconcerting. Although seeing my grandchildren, I begin to understand your reasons."

"Isn't this what you wanted?”, I demand with annoyance.

I hate dealing with these issues, much more that they question my decisions, but I can't fight her. In my weakest moment, Alexa Di Lauro was there to remind me who I was.

"Partly". Music stops for a few minutes and later, the organizer tells us to leave the track to take our photos. "Don't close yourself off, Adriano. Give love another chance and you will find complete happiness.”

She kisses my cheek before letting me go.

Love? Love destroyed me once and took away any trace of good faith I  me towards women. I will never fall for that ridiculousness again.

I get angry just hearing that word, however, right now I can't do it with the image projected in front of me.

The low-cut white dress clings to her body like a second skin. Perfectly curled strands of golden hair fall over her face and over her shoulders, while the rest is held back by a gold garment adorned with emeralds. The emeralds bring out her beautiful eyes of the same color and turn her into a real magic show with the naked eye.

'Worthy to bear the surname Di Lauro'

Perhaps there are no feelings involved between us, but there are other aspects of vital importance that support my choice.

I walk up to her without taking my eyes off her bare neck. With just a glance, I can guess what she hides under her cloth. I take a position next to her for the photo, but I feel too much distance between us.

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