18. The wedding gift

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Cassandra Reid

I lean my head against the car window and stare at it as if I could get past bulletproof glass. Now tension between us is bigger than before. We can't even cross more than three words and every action seems forced.

The day after the 'no wedding night', he left me with the kids and just disappeared. I tried to entertain myself with them decorating house for New Year's Eve, I even spent hours trying to understand each other with Xbox, but everything has been in vain, because the Italian does not come out of my head.

I almost slept with him. In less than forty-eight hours I have reconsidered my behavior more than a hundred times. What would have happened if I hadn't stopped him? Why did I stop him? Where does this irrepressible desire come from that takes my sanity away?

My cell phone vibrates, notifying a message entrance. Screen says 'Private number', but I read it anyway.

'Soon you will receive your wedding gift. I hope you like it'

I don't even care who this is, so I put phone away.

My head is somewhere else, thinking about all things that have happened in such a short time.

I've been engaged to Dean since I was seventeen. We dated, we got to know each other and even though he was aware I didn't love him, there was a degree of trust between us.

However, I never dared to take a second step with him. Despite the fact my parents forced me to accept his proposal, I tried by all means to fall in love with him, to become what everyone expected of me.

But my efforts were in vain, since I could not develop anything beyond a deep gratitude for extending our engagement and letting me study. Then I realized his game. Devil Frost and my father were so cruel that they let me study only to forbid me to practice.

There came a time when I couldn't stand that confinement, I suffocated... and then, I planned my escape.

I left without looking back, although without holding a grudge against anyone. That's why I left a letter for my fiancé. So we could both move on.

The fact is that in all that time I never felt what I have been feeling for last few weeks.

I imagined living with my new husband would be difficult at first, but not this much. Worst thing is that I don't know how long it will last. No one decides to take first step. As for me, the kisses and caresses of two nights ago are still very fresh.

The car stops in front of the hospital and I can't help sigh that escapes from my lips. I am no longer an apprentice; Now I will be one more specialist with my own patients and office. It's like starting from scratch.

"Everything is settled". I hear his voice for the first time in hours. "The CEO awaits you in his office to give you directions."

"Okay", that is all I say.

"A car will stay here at your disposal along with three men."

"Okay", I answer again with short sentences without flinching to protest.

I close my eyes mentally preparing myself for the day ahead as one of bodyguards opens the car door. Now I have more security than president himself.

"Here you have", he hands me a file full of papers.

"What is this?". He finally gets a reaction from me.

"Your wedding gift", he answers tersely before letting me go.

'Wedding gift?'

Was the message his?

'Why did he used a private number then?'

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