chap 32

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Finally, the war with The Empire ended with Tempest's overwhelming victory...

But, instead of bright smiles, they were covered in a dark, sorrowful aura. Their country won this war and they'll receive peace... but none is happy about it. Their Master – Rimuru, has sacrificed himself for their victory.... On that cruel day, everyone did a same thing... they kneeled in front of a small figure being carried by Diablo, thousands of people bowed in front of the Council Hall because that is where their god takes his sleep...

They said that: After the war is over, Diablo leading the army, carrying his Master's body, heading straight to the Council Hall, the other commanders follow him, all looking down at the ground, and no one shows a single sight of happiness. Shuna after hearing about their return immediately comes to greet them, she is confused when seeing Diablo quietly brings Rimuru inside. She's starting to get uneasy.... Admiring others, she realizes that everyone is looking at the ground with teary eyes, even the energetics like Milim, Veldora, and Ramiris are just walking lifelessly. Nervous starts getting over her...

"What's wrong with Rimuru-sama?"

"..." – they remain silent.

Shuna tenses up, she runs toward Shion, shaking her shoulder:


Shion doesn't reply...

Shuna getting impatient, asks everyone she meets about Rimuru... but they all reply with the word 'sorry'...

Couldn't hold back anymore, she grabs Benimaru's shirt and yells at him:


Benimaru slowly tells her what has happened, Shuna backs down with every word she heard, then speaks with a low voice:

"What have you promised before leaving..."

"I'm sorry..."

"you've promised to protect him with your life...

This is the way you protect him?...

Deep coma? Maybe won't wake up?..."


The sound echoes through the quiet corridor, Benimaru got hit so hard that his lip's bleeding.

"I'm sorry..."

"You've created the biggest sin to him and the Tempestians...

You couldn't bring him back safely..."

Shuna doesn't want to hear another word, like she has been lost in a dark world, no light, no sound... the only thing inside her is the scene of Rimuru lying lifelessly in Diablo's embrace. Shuna walks aimlessly through the quiet crowd... she just wants to escape the cruel reality.


In a room, Diablo carefully put Rimuru on a bed, Rimuru, just like before, lying there lifelessly. Diablo sits next to him, admiring his Master, caressing his hair like the way Rimuru used to do with him...


Afternoon, the noise of a crow rings in the air, making the air more depressing.

Veldora, Ramiris and Zegion return to the labyrinth, there is no difference between them and 3 dead bodies, no sight of emotion... when Veldora and Ramiris open the door to their room in the 100th room...


Milim, following her instincts, got to Rimuru's house, at least there are still memories about him here. This place used to be the warmest place she has ever stayed... because this is where Rimuru lived. But now, without him, this is just a cold house. Milim opens the door, she froze in place after she saw the scene inside...

In front of her is a big honey jar, there is a piece of paper sticks on it, there is something written on it:

'Milim, this is the honey for this month, I told Zegion to put some flower smell in there, too, you must not eat all of them in one day, but if you accidentally eat all, you can tell Zegion to find more for you. I've promised, right?... I won't take it back. Then, goodbye!



Tap tap!

Tears start falling on the paper, Milim couldn't hold them back, she hugs the jar like it is her precious, sits on the ground cries painfully.

Since the day her little dragon died, she has never cried this much... Milim has lived for thousands of years, a lame and boring life. But then he came and changed it, at that moment she thought that she will never be alone again, god has taken Rimuru from her... again pulls her deep into the abyss.

Milim is strong, one of the strongest... but she couldn't protect her loved one.


Veldora slowly pulls the blanket that covers something on the table...

There are a lot of Mangas and a piece of paper:

'These are the next volumes of the one you and Ramiris are reading, there are some new ones, too, don't fight over each other...

Remember to take care of the labyrinth, don't put the burdens on Zegion!

Veldora, do not cause any ruckus, I can't always be there to clean your messes!

Ramiris, please look after Milim when you can... and... don't be lazy!

Arghhh! I just couldn't stop worrying about you two!!!

So then, goodbye.


They just stand there, staring blankly at the paper...

"I won't cry... he will return. When that time comes, I'll give him a lesson..." – Ramiris wipes the tears away and speaks with confidence.


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