chap 15 (rewritten)

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Rimuru looks up at the sky in amazed, with his crystal-clear eyes, Rimuru looks right at Diablo: "Hey Diable, with me, meeting you is also a lucky thing... so... please have good care about yourself and take it as my wish... all right?"

Diablo dazes, his Master is very weird today... his Master wanted to go sightseeing with him, listening to everything he said without complaining, even saying something like that to him... Diablo even thought this was just a dream... an unknown fear starts rising inside him. He stares closely at Rimuru just like afraid of him flying away...

Looking at how tense Diablo is, Rimuru can't help but chuckle. He smiles to assure him. This is the way Rimuru solves problems, he believes that if he can still keep his smile then everything will be all right...

"Don't be so tensed up like that, Diablo, relax, I had told you that I would go sightseeing with you."

"Rimuru-sama... please don't..." smile forcefully like that...

Holding back the last phrase, Diablo remains silent. He really wants to tell Rimuru that there is no need to pretend in front of him... but respecting Rimuru's choice, he will wait... wait until he decides to tell him the truth.

The limitless space's only disturbed by his slow breathe... after a long time, Diablo nervously speaks up:

"Ri... Rimuru-sama... can I ask for a favor?..."

"Hm? What do you need, Diablo? I will do it if it's possible."

"Can you... use your hand... to caress my face?..."

"Hah?" - Rimuru confused.

"Ah... it's just... I often see you caress Ranga so I... felt a bit envious..."

Rimuru finally understood, so this is the reason why they often give each other a bullet stare when they are together. He really wants to tease Diablo, but seeing his saddened face, he doesn't dare.

Rimuru changes his position, waving at Diablo then pats his lap:

"Come here, Diablo, lie your head here."

"Hah?!" Now is Diablo's turn to daze.

"You don't want to lie down?" - Rimuru smiles and gently looks at him.

"I...I can!?"

"Um, hurry up."

Happiness comes too suddenly, Diablo only remembers that he somehow is resting his head on Rimuru's lap.

Feeling Rimuru's warmth so close, feeling his hand caressing his hair, Diablo thinks that he is dreaming.

"Rest now, Diablo, you've been working hard, sleep a little, I will take care of the rest."

This is not a dream

Diablo swears to keep this moment in his heart until his life ends. The peaceful scene of a man sleeping with his head on a beautiful girl's lap can make anyone's heart melt.

Looking at the sleeping big boy. He wanted to ask Diablo a thing but he changed his mind. Also doesn't have the gut to hear his answer.

Hey Diablo, will you be all right if I die?

Rimuru gently looks at Diablo who is still sleeping like a kid. Diablo suddenly frowns.

You must be tired now.

He gently caresses Diablo. He smiles and whispers to Diablo:

"It's all right, don't worry, don't fear... I'm here, forever be here protecting you, so... sweet dream."

His words are like a miracle chanting, making Diablo relax, lying still on Rimuru's lap...

The dawn is about to come... wonder how many times I can watch this scene again?


The first light of the morning shoots through the cloud, gently touching his beautiful, angelic face, gently like afraid of waking him up.

Rimuru has already fainted for a while... Like what Zegion said, Guy's energy couldn't suppress Rimuru's energy fully, it could only help him suppress the pain and the number of chaotic rampages. At that time talking with Zegion, he had to give all of his efforts in keeping his consciousness. Rimuru fainting is not a strange thing anymore...

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