chap 13 (rewritten)

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Zegion widen his eyes, the pain from his soul couldn't compare to the empty feeling inside his heart, he unconsciously reaches his hand out, wanting to wipe the blood on his Master's lip. Rimuru slowly steps back, avoiding the shaking arm in mid-air, he uses his own hand to wipe the blood away, staring coldly at Zegion

"you can leave now."

After that he leave without hesitation, ignoring a Zegion still froze in his place, looking at his Master's figure getting smaller and smaller, his heart felt like being stabbed by a knife, slowly being torn apart, pain and at the same time, empty. He doesn't want Rimuru to abandon him, he would take any punishment, he only wishes to stay at his Master's side, and only need a bit of his attention... but now, he ignored his wounded to cut their bind...


When Rimuru got back to his house, the sky has already turned dark, he lies on the bed, sleepy.

[Question, why do you have to concern Zegion like that?] - Raphael didn't stop Rimuru but she want to know the real reason for this.

"I want a vow from him."


"Um... a vow that I know he will never accept... but with this vow, the possibility for us to win this war will be higher."

Raphael couldn't understand, lately, her Master has been having strange things in his mind. Seeing <Lord of Wisdom> still wanting to question, he immediately cut her: "Let's sleep, Raphael, I'm exhausted."



Rimuru couldn't figure out why he woke up, he sigh in regret, it has been so long since the last time he slept without nightmares but woke up at midnight. He sits up and then...


Rimuru screams horrified.

A black hair man is sitting on his bed, his heart just wants to jump out of his chest, he really wants to punch that face now.


Diablo ignores Rimuru's rage, smiling friendly with him.

"Hai, I'm here to visit you."


Rimuru breathed deeply, trying as hard as possible to not punch that annoying face.

"Now you can leave!!" - Rimuru keeps his face calm, using his normal tone to banish Diablo, but...

"Oh no no no no, I'll be your night guard tonight." - Diablo still clinging to him.


Throw the word 'calm' aside, he is screaming inside to kill this bastard in front of him right away! Why do these people like to stalk him that much, Hah?! First is Guy, today is Zegion, and now Diablo. Rimuru felt like he won't die to the pain but to these creeps!

Rimuru return to his bed, he doesn't want to argue with him because he knows this man is even more clingy than Guy, continuing this would only bring more trouble.

A lonely moonlight enters the room, shining on Rimuru's angelic face, so beautiful that Diablo daze, a while later, he finally remembers the reason he is there.

"Rimuru-sama, 4 days ago yo-"

"Diablo, want to go sightseeing with me?!"

Of course, Rimuru did it on purpose, only hearing the words '4 days ago' is enough to guess why Diablo is here, the argument with Zegion really exhausted him, if Diablo finds out his secret, he will probably die due to the stress, Rimuru has to prevent it from happening - sightseeing is the best reason he could make up at the moment, of course, he successfully distracted him, the prove is those sparking stars in Diablo's eyes.



Outside, the wind blows very comfortably. The silver moonlight shines on 2 figures, one short and one tall walking on the grass field, the short one is talking something while the tall one listens to him, sometimes nodding or answering... the sight seem peaceful.

After a while, the short figure touches the tall one's shoulder:

"Ah~ I'm a bit tired, let's sit down for a while."


Diablo smile at him and sit down next to Rimuru, he still couldn't believe that he is with his Master, alone, Rimuru quietly watches the sky, tonight it is full of stars.

"So quiet~ Diablo, tell me a story~"


"Umm... anything you could!"

"Hai, let's see"

Diablo was lost in his thought...

"Then let me tell you the story about a demon."


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