chap 16 (rewritten)

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The bright sunshine is like dancing on the ground, one lands on Diablo's sleeping eyes, making him wake up. He opens his eyes, and the first thing he sees is Rimuru sleeping peacefully... Diablo nearly shout out loud, Thank god last night was not a dream.

Gently sitting up, Diablo joyfully watches Rimuru, suddenly the nightmare last night flashed through him... in his dream, he saw his Master's fragile figure surrounded by flames, smiling gently at him, he said he will go first, he told him to live happily... Diablo wanted to touch him, but Rimuru's figure only went further and further, then suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving him back alone... he shouted his Master's name out loud... but there was no response... at the time when he's nearly broken... a voice rang inside his head, told him don't worry... the voice told him that it will always be at his side, never leave him alone...

It was you, right? Rimuru-Sama... you've said it... said that you will never leave him alone, never abandon him... you've promised...

Diablo focuses on admiring Rimuru, to the point where he forgot that the light also wants to wake his Master up. He then carefully grabs him up, carries him in his hands then teleports straight to Rimuru's house. Surprisingly, he sees Zegion kneeling in front of his Master's house, Diablo gaze at him then take Rimuru who is still asleep inside, gently puts him down, and pulls the blanket on him, finally, he puts a kiss on Rimuru's forehead. Good night... my Master.

After finishing putting up an anti-voice barrier, Diablo asks Zegion:

"You did something wrong with him, didn't you?"


Diablo forgot that Zegion is a really quiet man, he is also lazy to ask him, just reminds him:

"Don't get in, he is sleeping, let him have his time."



Rimuru is awake, he looks around, wondering how he got here...

Was it Diablo?

He slowly gets off of the bed, and walks toward the window... the sky got dyed with dark clouds, and the sky is very overcast... Is it going to rain?

Rimuru got out of his house and saw Zegion kneeling in front of the door, knowing him well, it didn't surprise him, he then speak in a low voice:

"Why are you here?"


"I'm sorry..." - Zegion does a dozenga.

"Zegion, answer me... what did you do wrong?"

"..." - Zegion still quiet.

"Still don't know what you've done?... then leave, until you get what I've said before."

Rimuru leaves after he finished, leaving Zegion who is still kneeling.


At the Council Hall.

"Rimuru-sama, what did Zegion do? I've seen him kneeling in front of your house."

Benimaru asks Rimuru, he knows how loyal and careful Zegion is so he felt uneasy about this.

"Just leave him there, it is the problem between us, let us solve it ourselves." - Rimuru answers Benimaru.

"Hai!" - Benimaru trusts his Master so he stops asking.

"Then lets our meeting start!"


"We'll stop here, for now, everyone can leave except Testarosa, Carrera, and Ultima... you three stay, I have something to tell you."

In the meeting room, Rimuru told the three Primordials something... that day, everyone heard some big noises like someone rampaging inside, the sound of Ultima's rage... and absolute silence. After a long time, the three of them left the room. Everyone bows their heads without asking any questions, Carrera and Ultima walking fast like running from something, Testarosa's beautiful eyes are now red... Nobody dares to speak...

The weather wasn't good all day, the sky is dark with the cold wind raging on the street. Everyone got back to their house to avoid the coming rain... except one...

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