chap 3 (rewritten)

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Walking toward the window, the scarlet sunset light enters the room, the blood smells faint into the air... Rimuru doesn't like blood, he hates death... the pain is still there, and he forces himself to ignore it, only 7 days left, and everything will find...

"Ne Raphael, talk with me" - after walking on the hill for a while, Rimuru decides to speak.


Raphael remains silent. Rimuru doesn't want to force her, and continues talking alone...

"Do you regret serving an idiot like me?... ha ha... maybe yes..." Rimuru laugh...

[Question, why did you ask that?] - Raphael finally replies to her master who's still dazing.

Why did you ask me?

Rimuru again laugh, the setting sun's light shining on his angelic face, the surrounding became quiet, not even the slightest sound could be heard, then again he speak up

"Ne Raphael, I often have a dream..."


"yes, a dream... a very confusing, yet terrifying one... everyone died, Tempest was set on fire, you've gone, I walking on a bloody path... blood of Tempestian, dead body everywhere, Ramiris maze collapsed, Veldora again got spreading all my surrounding..." Rimuru trembled... remembering everything...

[It's just a dream]

"I know it, Raphael... I know... but it keeps haunting me til these days, more and more real... "

[Master...] - Raphael doesn't know what to say

Rimuru lifelessly watches the sun going down, watches the orangish light falls onto every house...

"I'm scared... really, really scared... scared that everyone will fall in front of me... scared to be left alone..." Rimuru hugs his body, leaning against a tree...

Tap tap tap

The sunset's light shines on the tear rolling down his angelic face...

Rimuru doesn't want to be back in his cold, lonely world, he wants to live here...

"Raphael, I want to be with you, with everyone... I don't want to lose them, even one... I don't want to stop... could only risky walk forward... I'm scared if I stop, everyone will leave me behind..."

From the first met, a lot had happened, Rimuru is carrying all of Tempest's life on his small shoulder... he's afraid that he can't protect them...

Raphael depressed...

[Question, is this why you forcefully evolve everyone?]

"...Umm ... I have to do everything I can... to protect them... even just a little..."

Rimuru can't stop crying, Tempest's light seems to blur in tears, letting out all the tiredness, the fear, and the panic... the quiet space is only disturbed by the sobbing of the small angel...

The two of them stay silent...

Don't be afraid, master, I am here... everybody's here, all by your side...following you...

After so long, the sun has finally set, leaving the moon and thousand stars shining... Rimuru sighs heavily, looking into the space

Already cried... yet he still needs to continue his path... even if it's not an easy road... even if his feet bleed... he won't let himself stop...

"let's get back, Raphael... return to our home... everyone is waiting..." - Rimuru brings his wet eyes up, wipe away his tear...

His smile again blooms on his face, his eyes full of determination, he must come back as his usual bright Rimuru, he doesn't want his friend to worry about him...

I must do everything to protect the people I love...

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