chap 17 (rewritten)

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[Report, you've lost <heat resistance>... predict that it will recover in 3 days.] - Raphael's cold voice echoed inside Rimuru's head... he knows it was just a happen of sooner or later...

Tap tap...

The heavy rain falls on a lonely figure, the wind is so cold like biting his whole body...

Rimuru slowly heads home, and Zegion is still kneeling there. Rimuru walks in front of him and asks:

"Know where did you wrong?"



"Hoh?... then tell me..."

The rain is still falling like trying to fade Zegion's voice.

"I've disobeyed you..."


"... I've lowered myself... made you angered..."

"I ask you, Zegion, why did I anger?"


"still don't know?..."

Ignoring the rain, he half kneels in front of Zegion, and speaks with a firm voice:

"Remember, Zegion... you, Diablo, Apito, Veldora, Benimaru,... or thousands of lives in this country, all of them are my family, they are my blood, my flesh, and my soul. With me... you all are my precious, the treasure that I've luckily found... so, none of you has the right to lower yourself... nobody has the right to insult the people I love... the ones going against it are my enemy... do you understand?"


Rimuru knows that Zegion hasn't understood his words yet... but it's fine... time may fill the gaps...

It's time to make the promise...

He closes his eyes, breaths in deeply to encourage himself, then speaks:

"If you want to rebuild our <soul corridor>, you have to promise me one thing..."

"Ne Raphael, can you leave for a second? I have something to tell him..."

[NO!] - of course, Raphael refused, she was afraid Rimuru does something dangerous again.

Seeing her clinging, Rimuru couldn't help but sigh, and coax her softly:

"Be good, Raphael, only for a second~ just a second, really... please, Raphael~"

[No! ... and what did you tell the Primordials? Why did you interfere with my conscious?! ... You want to do something dangerous again!!??]

Raphael yells at Rimuru, she's angered.

"...I'm sorry... Raphael..." - Rimuru closes his eyes, and mumbles.


Raphael couldn't speak up, Rimuru has interfered with her consciousness...

Back in reality, Rimuru stands under the rain, facing Zegion.

"You only need to promise me one thing, Zegion... if you accept, I'll forgive you, do you want it?"

"...please tell me what is your wish..."


The rain got heavier, overwhelming his voice, ignoring his wet body, he kneels and whispers to Zegion...

Zegion, like a lifeless man, trembling... he wants to speak, but couldn't take out his voice, choked and unable to speak... he smiles bitterly at his Master.

"You're so cruel."

Rimuru's eyes are wet, he slowly lifts Zegion's face with both hands and softly speaks up:

"...I'm sorry, Zegion, I, too, don't want things to be like this... but please, help me... promise me... can you?"

" think that I can?..."

"Don't be like that, Zegion, I know that you can... Testarossa, Carrera, and Ultima will help you... they have accepted..."

"Ha... even finished with them... you think that I still have a choice?"

Zegion laughed bitterly, the one he swore to protect with his life now want him to do something like this...

"...I'm sorry..." - looking at his state... Rimuru couldn't stay calm any longer...

"What is the point in apologizing?... you still force me to do that cruel thing..." - Zegion uses his lifeless eyes to look at Rimuru. His eyes look like... he has accepted his fate...

"...there is nothing I can do, I don't want to force you... but, Zegion... there is no other way to win this war...". His voice shaking, he knows that this will make him suffer forever...

Dap dap...

Rimuru's tear rolls down his cheek... mixing with the cold rainwater, this scene like a knife stabs at Zegion's heart... painfully...

Please don't cry... I don't want to see your tear falls, thousands of time not...

Zegion pulls Rimuru at him, hugging his small shaking figure. He doesn't want to see his Master's tears falling in front of him... Zegion uses his body to cover Rimuru from the rain... his eyes feel bitter...

"I... promise with you... if during the battle you lose control over your power and attack us... I'll... kill you myself..."

Zegion tightens his hug, he doesn't brave enough to speak another word.

"I'm sorry, Zegion... I'm sorry..." - Rimuru cries louder in his embrace, keep apologizing to him, he knows how painful it is for him to kill Rimuru, and he knows this will kill Zegion... but... he is the only one can do it...

"Sorry... Zegion... I have done something terrible to you..."

He couldn't stop his tear...

His heart like bleeding...

"...Rimuru-sama... can you... promise me one thing? ...Promise that you'll be all right, that you won't lose your control... please... promise me... please... don't take away my light..."

"..." Rimuru doesn't dare to answer, he is afraid that he'll just make Zegion disappoint.

Zegion hugs him tighter, he lowers his head at Rimuru, afraid that he will vanish, speaking bitterly:

"you must do it... you must... survive."

The large space was only left with the sobbing sound fading into the rain... sorrowful.


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