chap 5 (rewritten)

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Diablo looks at Guy coldly:

"Then what are you going to do here?"

The atmosphere immediately tenses up... notice the change in the air, Velzard walks toward Guy, and pats his shoulder to calm him down...

"Hello, Noir, today I come to visit my brother, Veldora, you know who I am, right?" -Velzard spoke up

"Yes, it's an honor to meet the Queen of Ice..."

Diablo turns his face toward Shuna:" Shuna-dono, please bring Veldora-sama here"

"Hai, please wait a minute"... a few moments later, Shuna's back with 2 noisy people following her: Ramiris and Veldora.

"Kuhahahaha, who wants to meet this mighty Storm Dragon"

"You're so noisy, Veldora"

"What are you trying to do? Your armor nearly broke"


... they haven't got near yet but everyone in the room heard their argument very clearly...

Veldora walks inside the room, and laughs loudly: "Kuhahahaha, who want t-..."

Right after the door is opened, he froze when his eyes meet with a white hair woman smiling at him... two-minute pass... Veldora still dazing, it's not hard to tell his very pale face: "... sister Velzard!!!"

Veldora immediately wants to run... but his feet are trembling in shock and fear!

Seeing her "lovely" brother, Velzard slowly heads toward him, put her hand on her "docile" brother's shoulder, then turns back to tell everyone:

"I'll talk with him for a while, just continue without me."

Veldora after hearing the word "talk", his face becomes paler, shaking his head violently, his hand holding the door frame tightly: "No, please!!!... Ramiris help me!!... sister Velzard I'm sorry!! Please spare me, PLEASE!! Rimuru, HELP!!!"


The room remains silent... not really...

.Ramiris flies toward Guy and then lands on his shoulder:

"Why are you here?"

"Where is Rimuru?" - Guy leaning against his chair

"... he isn't here, we haven't met for 2 days, they say he has his business so that they couldn't let me go find him... what's wrong? ... why are you looking for him?" - Ramiris said while eating a cookie Shuna brought for her.

Business ey...

"...if you have nothing to do then please return" - Diablo coldly banishing his guest


"Then I'll take my leave"


"Rimuru-sama, Guy had returned, Velzard-sama is staying with Veldora-sama"

"Thank you..."


"Ah, I feel a bit tired, we'll talk next time, good night" - Rimuru immediately stop <soul corridor>, his body is very drenched in sweat, his voice's shaking none stop... it's hurt, uncontrollable magicule keeps leaking out...

"Raphael, help... help me build a barrier to prevent from leaking magicule, if it keeps like this, everyone will notice!"

[Report, finished building barrier... Master...]

"Don't...worry, only a few days left, I'm getting used to this pain... I'm fine..." - Rimru holds his chest, breathing fast

[...] You look not okay at all...



Huh... huh...

Rimuru woke up in panic... that dream again... sweat rolled down his face, an uneasy feeling grow inside him, and the pain again come, Rimuru lie down on his bed breathing heavily, he doesn't want to sleep... if he sleep, he will continue to watch... watch his friends, family falling in front of him... he doesn't want to back at sleep... back at his worst nightmare... he hate this helplessness feeling... it makes him hard to breath... his eyes wet... the tear just want to pour out...

Must not cry! Raphael will be more worry

Rimuru wipes his eyes til they're red... he doesn't want to see these useless tears...

"what's wrong with you, Rimuru?" a voice comes from the dark corner of the room

Rimuru face pale, he immediately sits up and shouts



"no need to tense up, it's me"

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