Chapter 47 ~ Her perspective

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"Don't let the bedbugs bite!" Reyna called after him, proud to remember the saying. As soon as the door closed, she looked around, stood up, changed her clothes to pajamas, let her hair loose, plopped back onto the bed, and promptly fell asleep. 

Reyna groggily woke up to a rough knock on the door. She looked around briefly, only to find a cold and dark space with no apparent furniture. Her body ached from the weird angle she had been sleeping, and her head was pounding from she didn't know what.

"Awake," she called automatically, not really aware yet. The door creaked open, and a large man stepped into the room with handcuffs and a collar? The mutant was instantly wide awake and shot up. What the hell was going on?

"Who are you? Why do you have those?" She backed up, trying to get as far away from the looming man as possible. Her brain was desperately trying to wake up enough to process what the hell was happening.

"You are well aware of why, Peitho," the man growled. Her eyes widened in fear as she backed up even more until her back hit the icy wall. Once her eyes had adjusted to the low light levels, the image of the man she despised most in this world hit her like a brick.

"No, no, don't you fucking dare come near me with those," she protested, clutching herself and pressing against the wall like a cornered bunny.

"Where have your manners gone, minx? You know the Matron won't be pleased with such behavior." Her handler seemed almost excited, in a cruel and twisted way, about the thought of the Matron punishing the girl's behavior. Reyna shook and repeated no over and over again as the man got ever closer. "You know the protocol, minx. Get on your knees, and I might just forget your little attitude when we go to the Matron." Of course, she knew the protocol. She needed to obey to save her body. This had already gone on for too long. She needed to follow orders. She couldn't move, petrified and shaking horribly. Needed to obey. They would kill her if she didn't move. Obey.

Reyna. Someone whispered somewhere, but she couldn't hear it. Slowly, her body moved for her as years of forced instincts and reflexes took over. She peeled herself off the wall and faced the man head-on.


Reyna, wake up. That whisper came again, louder this time, yet she still didn't hear it. The mutant folded her legs under herself to kneel, letting go of whatever control she thought she had, and lowered her gaze to the floor. Before she could lock her arms behind her back, her handler took a rough grip on her right wrist, pulled it straight against his chest, twisted it, and punched her straight in the sternum. Suddenly, and without warning, she was somewhere else. She was in a musky room with a few pieces of simple wooden furniture, and sunlight was streaming through a small window. She looked around, incredibly disoriented, and saw herself kneeling atop a small bed. Her brows furrowed in confusion. What the hell was going on? There was someone in front of her. A man, but it wasn't the same man who had just punched her. This one was tall and had a well-groomed goatee and dark brown hair with grey streaks. She felt like she should know this man but couldn't remember his name. Suddenly, he looked at her.

"Reyna, what's going on?" He asked her, and, at once, the missing puzzle piece fell into place. That was Stephen Strange in front of her.

"Why am I looking at myself in the third person?" She asked instead, panic slowly consuming her when she saw her translucent form.

"I have pushed your astral being from your physical body. Right now, your soul has literally left your body. You have nothing to worry about. What the hell is going on?" Stephen asked the Latina, trying his best to keep her calm. She looked at her body again and remembered what she had woken up to.

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