First day on set

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"What time is it?" I asked myself in a tired raspy voice. My eyes struggled to stay open as the bright sun beamed through the blinds of my apartment windows. My alarm clock blared it's irritating noise, causing me to slam my hand on the off button to give my ears a break. I looked down at the time and it read 8:47.

"Shit!!" I yelled in shock as I noticed the time.

Today was my first day on the set of Scream 6, which i luckily got an offer to act in. I was meant to be on the set for 9:30, and me being...well me, I was late waking up.

I shot out of bed, leaving it messy as I didn't have the time to make it. I brushed my hair to make myself look somewhat presentable, but made no effort to style it or wear any make up seen as that was the stylist's job. I slipped on my black cargos, and a cropped white vest and threw on a brown zip-up hoodie over the top. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on my low mocha dunks to pair with my hoodie.

I grabbed my backpack, adding my headphones and charger, and zipped it up, slinging it onto my shoulder. I ran into the kitchen and quickly chucked some bread into the toaster. I tapped my feet, anxiously waiting for it to pop...and when it did, I caught the slice mid air and placed it into my mouth.

I grabbed my keys off the counter top and left my apartment, locking the door behind me and getting in the elevator. I clicked the button for the garage and it began to go down.

The metal doors slid open and I rushed to my car which,  not to flex, was a white Nissan gtr r35. I got in and started it up, throwing my bag into the back. I put in the address for the set and I began to drive.

After a half hour drive of blasting music and singing terribly, I pulled up to the set and parked my car in my designated spot. When I got out of my car, I was immediately greeted by one of the directors, who was the man who give me the role.

"Miss Y/l/n, right on time. How are you?" The man said.

"Hey Matt, I'm good thanks, how are you?" I replied with a friendly smile.

"Not too bad myself. I'll show you to your trailer, you can relax for a short while until you need to go get ready." He began walking towards the trailers, so I quickly caught up to him.

We stood outside a trailer with my character's name on the door, 'Hanna Macher'. A bit of sight on my character. Hanna Macher, is the daughter of Stu Macher. She had a strong relationship to her father and when he died and she found out about what he did, she felt like if she finished his job, stu would be able to rest in peace. Messed up, I know. Anyways, she makes friends with Tara and ends up catching feelings for her. She then later reveals herself as ghost face, but her only target is Gale.

"This is your trailer, make yourself comfortable." He said before walking away, "oh and if you need me just give me a shout!"

I stepped inside and flopped onto the couch, dumping my bag next to me. The trailer was the same as every other trailer I'd had. White exterior with the grey and cream interior, it's nice but a little plain, yet really cozy.

I sat for a while scrolling mindlessly through social media, responding to some fans and then watching tiktok, because what else could I do? A knock at the door startled me, and I ended up dropping my phone. I picked it up and called the person to come in. The door opened and my eyes met with a pair of gorgeous brown ones.

"Hey! Can I come in?" She asked and I nodded yes in response.

"Hi, I'm Y/n!" I stood up and I stuck out my hand for her to shake. She looked down at my hand and smiled, the pushed it away and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, giving me a short hug.

"It's nice to finally meet you, I'm Jenna!"

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