"You have pretty eyes"

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We landed over an hour ago after a long ass flight that I absolutely hated. I mean, what's there to like, you're basically sat in a cramped seat for so many hours with a bunch of strangers. Horrible.

I had already unpacked all of my stuff and now I was sat on my bed watching the scream 5. I thought I might as well watch the previous one since I'm in the newest scream, plus Jenna was in it so there's a bonus.

LA was actually quiet nice if I'm honest. It's definitely cleaner and quieter compared to New York, which is a nice change. There was less traffic; less car horns; less everything bad about New York.

I heard a gentle knock at my door, I paused the Tv and shouted for them to come in. The door opened and Ava walked inside.

"Hey you good?" I asked her. She didn't say anything at first and she just came and stood in front of the tv, staring at it with a frustrated look in her face.

"What the fuck?!" She shouted.

"Umm, Ava?...AVA?" I yelled to get her attention.

She turned around with an annoyed look on her face.

"Why the hell does your Tv work and not mine?" She started before looking at it again.



"Ava! First off, you're more than welcome to join me, and second, have you plugged it in, because you've got to get the cable from the cupboard and plug it in..." I asked her. She raised her eyebrows then nodded, not replying to me then left the room.

The second Ava left my room, Jenna walked in.

"What was she doing in here?" She asked me slightly annoyed and shutting the door.


"Why was she in here?" Jenna asked more sternly sitting on the bed beside me.

"Why does it matter? Jenna I can have whoever I want in my room you know." I said and her facial expression changed from annoyed to more hurt, "but if you must know, she was asking about how to work the Tv, okay?"

"Mhm, yeah." She said coldly.

"Why'd you come in here?" I asked her in a nice tone.

"I just wanted to be with you..." she said looking at me.

"Oh okay, you okay with watching this?" I asked her gesturing to the screen.

"Uhhh, so funny story, I hate watching myself on screen..." she said cringing slightly at the thought.

"Why?" I asked her shuffling so that I was now laid on my side, propping my head up with my arm and looking at her.

"I dunno, it's just weird." She laughed, "but we can watch it." She smiled.

"Okay." I smiled in return, pressing okay.

It was the opening scene, where Tara was not having the best time ever. I looked over at Jenna and she was physically and mentally cringing at the sight of herself on screen. I turned back to the screen just as Ghostface stomped on her leg and snapped it.

"Damn that's brutal. You really sold it though with that scream." I laughed.

"Thanks." She said turning to me and looking into my eyes.

I looked up at her. My heart began to beat a little fast than usual. There was a weird feeling in my stomach, like drunk butterflies zooming around.

"You have pretty eyes." Jenna said quietly smiling.

I smiled up at her, slowly bringing my hand up to her face and pulling her closer to me. She leaned in looking down at my lips and closing her eyes. I closed my eyes and closed the gap, locking our lips in a kiss. The tension finally broke as our lips moved together gently.

Then, we heard the door open and we pulled away so quickly that I fell off the bed backwards. I heard whoever had walked in burst out laughing. I popped my head up to see Hailee supporting herself on the wall while she was practically keeling over laughing.

"It's not funny, that fucking hurt hailee!" I said defensively.

"It was kinda funny." Jenna said chuckling.

"Yeah whatever." I said rolling my eyes and sitting back on the bed.

"Oh my god- I'm so- I'm so sorry!" Hailee apologised in between breathes as she calmed down, " I just came to um tell you that the event for the movie is at 8 pm tomorrow."

"Thank you for telling us." Jenna smiled at her, to which hailee returned.

"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, I'll knock next time." She said walking out do the door, " or you know, lock it next time you guys fuck!" She shouted as she walked away.

My jaw dropped when Hailee said that. Looking over at Jenna, her face was covered in a pink blush and her jaw was also dropped.

"Um, okay. Anyways, the movie?" Jenna said trying to change the subject.

"Yep, uh-huh." I said pressing play, trying to hide the fact that my heart was beating out of my chest.

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