"We will figure it out"

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[not proof read]

Y/n's POV

Morning soon came around. My eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the brightness of the room. My head was pounding and I felt a sense of dizziness from the hangover. I reached up to run my eye and instantly felt a shock of pain through my nose. I yelled out in pain, the place on my nose where I had put pressure on began to throb. At first I was confused but then I started to regain memory of last nights events: Percy pushing me and hitting my nose off of a stool; running from the cops and, oh god, that conversation with Jenna last night. Wait a sec, I'm not at my hotel room, I thought, then I realised I woke up in Jenna's bed, alone.

Beginning to get out of bed, I noticed a small glass of water and some aspirin sat on the oak nightstand. I picked the aspirin up and popped them into my mouth, took a mouth full of water and swallowed them. That should help a little. I dragged my tired body to the mirror in the corner of the room and examined the large bruise that covered my nose. There was a bandaid placed across the bridge of my nose, I didn't even realise that was there since I couldn't really feel it. Using my finger nail, I picked off the corner and slowly peeled it off, revealing roughly a centimetre long red gash on the bridge of my nose. Nothing extreme, but I thought I should let some air get to it so it can scab over.

As I started to wake up more, I heard some noises coming from the other side of my door. Jenna must be up, I thought and even though I was dreading it, I should probably go out there and speak to her.

I opened the bedroom door and shuffled my way out into the living room. Jenna was in the kitchen, which was basically in the living room since this part was open, cooking something which I assumed was breakfast.

"Hey" I said shyly, standing awkwardly by the couch.

"Morning" she looked over and miles before going back to cooking, "take a seat, foods almost done."

"Um, could I borrow some clothes?" I asked nervously, "these are getting really uncomy."

She turned around and looked at my outfit, "Oh shit, yeah of course, I totally forgot you were still in your cloths from last night. Wear whatever you want."

——5 minutes later——

I sat down on the couch, now much more comfortable in Jenna's hoodie and joggers. Jenna walked out of the kitchen carrying two plates. She handed one to me before sitting down besides me on the sofa. The plate had avocado toast with scrambled eggs on the side.

"Thank you" I said before picking up the toast and taking a bite. We sat in silence until we finished our food, which honestly was quiet nice mainly because I had a mega headache.

"So, we should probably talking about last night." Jenna spoke up and i hummed in agreement, "I'm gonna explain everything, but just please don't say anything until I've finished, is that okay with you?"


"Okay, so throughout shooting season one, me and Percy had been close friends nothing more. We drifted after wrapping but then when we started on season two he had started acting different. I know he knew about our relationship because he would always comment on it, at first it was positive but it become more and more negative to the point where it was crossing into homophobia but I don't think he really registered that. About 3 weeks in, I had gone into a tent on our break and it was just Percy in there. I didn't like him as a person much at this point so I didn't speak or go near him, I just went to get my headphones and listen to music. He came over to me and took my headphones off, which pissed me off so I got angry at him since he refused to give me them back. He kept trying to make moves on my but I rejected it. He didn't like that so he held me against the table and started to threaten me. I was scared, I didn't know where all of this had come from since i never thought he was this type of person, clearly I was wrong. He said told me he would hurt me if I didn't get into a relationship with him, but I said that I didn't care I wasn't gonna do it and I'd report him and get him fired and shit. But then he brought up you, said that he would hurt you and told me everything that he could do that I'd have no power over. I couldn't tell if he was bluffing but I didn't wanna put you at risk on a guess so I agreed as long as he left you alone." Jenna explained everything else that Percy had done to her from that point forward. She explained to me that everything she did was to protect me, "if you have any questions, I'll answer them honestly."

I let out a deep breath I didn't realise I was holding in. Before I even thought about speaking my first instinct was pulling Jenna into a tight hug. As I held her in my arms, tears became to escape my eyes. Jenna was crying too, i could hear her sniffling into my chest. I pulled away but kept hold of her hand.

"I'm so sorry." I said sincerely, "I'm sorry I didn't realise, I'm sorry for yelling at you and being so angry, if I knew I would never had-" I stated before she cut me off.

"It's not your fault y/n, don't apologise." She sniffled, wiping her tears away.

"Does anyone else know?" I asked.

"Emma does, she's the only one, I told her the night of our argument." Jenna said, she paused for a moment, thinking about something. She looked at me and she had an expression of fear on her face, "what am I gonna do? Percy knows I came back with you, he saw me leave. He probably knows I told you, shit!" She panicked.

"Hey, it's okay." I said pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her to comfort her, "we will figure it out. He's not gonna do this anymore, I promise."

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