"Just Ava"

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Today was the day we were flying over to California for some interviews on the movie. Jenna was currently packing her bags while I was getting ready. She had made us some breakfast which I was eating at the same time as curling my hair since we were on a tight schedule.

"You nearly ready?" Jenna asked me as she zipped up her suitcase.

"Yeah I'm all done." I said turning off the curling iron.

I grabbed all of my things and took one of Jenna's suitcases, walking downstairs and to the car. I put everything in the back and got in the drivers seat.

We arrived at my apartment within 20 minutes. Jenna sat on the couch talking to Sadie while I went into my room to pack. I was putting some clean clothes into the suitcase when I got a notification on my phone.

AvaHey Y/n, I need your help!!

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Hey Y/n, I need your help!!

What's up?

I'm freaking out cause I don't have a date for the carpet and literally everyone else does!

I may know someone...

Don't joke!

Yep :)
I'll bring her with us to Cali and you can meet her.

Thank youuuu, I owe you big time!

No worries, see you at the airport

See you soon


"Who was that?" Jenna asked leaning against the door frame.

"Just Ava." I replied shutting off my phone and zipping up my suitcase.

"Oh...okay." Jenna said with disappointed tone.

"Don't worry, I cancelled the date. She was asking if I knew anyone she could bring as her date to Cali." I reassured her.

"Oh, what did you say?" She asked.

"Well, I have a best friend who's love life needs some help." I smiled evilly.

"Oh my god, that's perfect!" Jenna said laughing.

Then, Sadie walked in.

"What are you two giggling about?" She asked me.

"Um, so you remember Ava? Right? That girl who works on sound?"

"Yeahhh, why?" She asked raising her eyebrow slightly concerned.

"Well she said she needed a date to the carpet, anddd, I kinda told her I knew someone. That someone being you..." I said cautiously.

"Wait! Me?! Pretty sound girl Ava would go with me?!" She asked surprised.

"Yeah, that's if you want t-"

"No yes I'll go. Let em pack my bags!" Sadie said running to her room.

"Looks like she has a crush huh?" Jenna laughed walking towards me.

"It appears so..." I said laughing with her, "we'll wait for her in the front room, come one."

I grabbed my suitcase and took Jenna's hand and lead her to the living room. We sat on the sofa and Jenna instinctively leaned her head on my shoulder as I scrolled through social media. We waited about 10 minutes until Sadie burst out of her room with two suitcases.

"Come on! Let's go let's go let's go!" She shouted like she was a drill sergeant. This startled Jenna out of her nap, and she perked her head up and looked at me with a fearful and shocked look on her face.

"Don't worry she's just excited." I laughed, "come on, you can sleep in the car." I took Jenna's hand again and picked up my suitcase heading out to the car.

A/n: sorry if this was a bit shit, it's just a filler and there will be at least one maybe two chapters out tonight.

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