Jealousy [kind of filler]

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Two weeks had passed since my birthday...

Jenna and I barely talked, she's try to come and talk to me but I'd blank her and walk away. I ignored her messages. I hate the fact that I did that, I didn't want to but I just didn't know what I'd say to her.


Currently, I was sat on my designated chair on set, waiting for the director to call our lunch break. Since I wasn't in this scene, I sat behind the cameras, watching. My character had just been stabbed by the second ghost face, so I had smudged mascara showing distress, and a prosthetic gash on the lower left of my stomach. Jenna was in front of the cameras fighting off the same ghost face. She was on the floor with fake blood everywhere trying to crawl away after being slashed across the stomach and leg. After they wrapped up the take, Matt called cut which meant I could go do my own thing for an hour. Jenna looked up and we made eye contact. I immediately looked away.

Shit! I thought, as I stood up and packed my things into my back pack. I turned around to walk to my trailer, but my path was blocked by a girl. She had a crew member shirt on, and was a little taller than me. The girls name is Ava. We had ran into each other a few times on set and had some good conversations.

"Hey." She smiled.

"Hey Ava!" I smiled back, "you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry.. I just wanted to ask you something, if that's okay."

"Yeah sure, go ahead."

"Are you single by any chance?" She asked me.

"...y-Yeah, I am." I said hesitantly.

I could feel eyes burning into me. I turned my head to see Jenna glaring at us. She shot Ava daggers as she talked to Matt. Was that, a hint of jealousy in her eyes?

"Cool, so I was wondering whether you wanted to go on a date with me sometime? I enjoy our conversations and would like to get to know you more." She asked.

"Um, yeah. Okay sounds nice." I replied.

"Here's my number, text me tonight yeah?" She smiled, "see you later." She said walking away.

I'm not going to lie to you, Ava was very attractive and definitely my type. But she wasn't Jenna.

I turned back to look at Jenna but she was gone. So I decided just to walk back to my trailer for some food.

As I walked down the long stretch of trailers, I heard a familiar tune come from the trailer besides mine. Jenna's trailer. She was playing guitar again except this time I could hear her singing. I sat on the step by her door, listening to her play. She played the same song she's played for me, and on some parts she added a few words. It was patchy and she swore every time she messed it up or didn't like the lyric. Then, I heard one of the lines very clearly.

"Let me try,
I don't care, how long it takes,
As long as I'm with you
I've got a smile on my face..."

She slowly stopped playing after that line and I heard muffled sobs. I listened as Jenna cried. I wanted to go in there but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Suddenly, my chest tightened and butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I shot up off the step and sprinted back to set to find Ava. When I had found her, I told her I had to cancel the date, and that I liked someone else.

"I'm sorry Ava! I can't go on a date with you, I like someone else. It's a long story, but I just can't." I explained.

"It's okay." She laugh, "I know you like Jenna. I can tell by the way you look at her. But hey, we can still be friends." She said. She was being so easy about this.

"Yeah of course. Thank you for understanding."

"No problem. Good luck with her." She smiled.

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