"I might have messed up..."

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I gazed out of the car window as we drove through the lit up streets, watching the people go about their lives and seeing the occasional head turn and realise who we were. The drive to the teaser event was a slow one, thankfully, because of the millions of taxi's and cars taking people to their destinations. As excited as I am, I'm also absolutely terrified to get out of the safe bubble of the car. Mainly because of my awful social anxiety but also because Jenna and I were showing up as each others dates, and I know for a fact that shot is gonna spread like a wildfire within seconds.

I must have started to overthink this whole situation, because my leg had started bouncing and I was fidgeting with my fingers. My heart was racing and all of the muscles in my body were tense. I felt a hand squeeze my thigh and I looked over to see Jenna giving me a reassuring smile.

"It's gonna be okay." She said quietly.

I took her hand in mine, gently rubbing small circles with my thumb on the back of her palm.

"I know, I'm just nervous. These things can get stressful." I said, laughing slightly from nerves.

"I'll be with you the whole time, if you get overwhelmed just hold my hand." She said in a soft voice. I leaned over and pecked her lips, then turned to look out the window again.

Soon, the sight of thousands of people and flashing cameras came into sight, as we pulled up to the venue. The driver stopped at the end of the red carpet and a women in an all black suit opened the door besides me.

Fuck! Here we go! I thought in an attempt to prepare myself for the chaos I was about to walk into.

Instantly, screams of fans and the yelling of paparazzi filled my ears, and I was blinded by the lights of cameras. I carefully stepped out of the car and I waved at everyone around me. Then, I turned and offered my hand out to Jenna, who took my hand and then got out of the car behind me. This immediately sent the fans wild, and all I could hear was; "OH MY GOD THEY CAME TOGETHER!", "ARE THEY DATING?!", "SHIT JENNA TOO OH MY FUCKING GOD!", and that's not even the half of it. Paparazzi were shouting for us to turn to them for a photo from like 60 different angles, thank god there were barriers holding them back.

Jenna wrapped her arm around mine and interlocked our fingers. I looked down at her and gave her a smile, to which she returned, and we began walking through the tunnel of flashing lights and into the event.

When we got inside, I saw that the red carpet was straight ahead of us, and there were a row of fans either side of where we stood. I squeezed Jenna's hand so she looks at me, I leaned closer to her ear so she could hear what i said.

"Let's split up and talk to the fans, then meet me by the red carpet when your done, that okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah sounds good I'll see you in a few minutes." She said before kissing my cheek and heading over to some fans. I completely froze. Jenna just kissed my cheek in front of a fuck load of people and now I'm stood as stiff as a rock, blushing!

Luckily, the sound of fans calling me over to them pulled me out of it. I turned around and waved, making my way over.

"Hey guys! Thank you for coming!" I greeted them and everyone started saying hi back to me simultaneously. I decided it would be best to go from one end to the other, so that's what I did. I walked up to a girl who held a ghostface funko pop and her phone.

"Hi Y/n! Could you please sign this?" She asked with a very shaken voice.

"Of course I can!" I said taking the pop and her sharpie and signing it, "are you excited for the movie?" I asked her while I wrote a little message on the box.

"I'm so excited! I've been a scream fan since film one." She said excitedly.

"The first scream will always be the best." I said handing her the pop back, "would you like a photo?" I offered.

"Yes, if that's okay."

"Of course it is!" I said. She held her phone up and I leaned closer to her and posed for the camera. She took the photo and I said my goodbyes before moving along.

I noticed Jenna had finished up, so I picked up the pace so I could go over to her. I got to the last people, who were two teenage girls. I took a picture and gave them an autograph each, and as I was about to say goodbye, one of them asked a question, one I was dreading to hear- purely because I didn't know the answer.

"Y/n, are you and Jenna dating? If you don't mind me asking?" She said shyly. I know she was just curious and meant no harm saying it but it still made me internally panic.

I let out a nervous laugh then said, "well, if I am honest, I don't know. We are definitely more than friends, but we haven't talked about it yet, so I can't really give you an answer. But shh, don't tel anyone." I said the last part as a joke- Kind of. Both girls jaws dropped and I knew that was my cue to leave, "I gotta run though, it was great meeting you both, enjoy the evening."

I turned around and an instant wave of regret hit me as I thought what if Jenna didn't want me to say anything about us yet.

"Hey you okay?" Jenna asked as I walked up to her.

"Um, I need to tell you something. I might have messed up..."

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