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[not proof read]

Y/n's POV

Shortly, we made it back to the apartment building. With me now on Georgie's back, he ran up the flight of stairs, god know why he didn't take the elevator but sure. When we got to the first floor, which is Georgie's floor, Jenna rushed ahead of us to the door.

"Gimme the keys!" She urged as she held out her hands. Georgie reached into his pocket, pulled out a small silver key and tossed it over to Jenna. She stuck the key into the slot and opened the door after twisting the key. Jenna dragged a chair out from the dining table and turned it around so that Georgie could lower me onto the seat.

"Holy shit, that was crazy!" Jenna said running her hands through her hair and letting out a tense breath.

I let go of my nose and groaned a little from the pain, blood immediately started dripping down my face again. Closing my eyes, leaned back in my chair and giggled.

"How are you laughing right now?" Georgie turned to me with an annoyed expression.

"You got blood on your face" I laughed and slurred my words, "also I may still be drunk."

"Nice, this is what we're dealing with tonight." Georgie complained as he pointed at me. He pinched the bridge if his nose in frustration and sighed as he turned his back to me.

"Shit Georgie...your hand" Jenna said in a concerned tone gesturing at his wounded knuckles. Georgie turned his hand over to examine his injury.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed, causing Jenna and Georgie to quickly look at me in worry, "you're Georgie boo-boo!" I laughed, "get it cause you're Georgie Bleu, Bleu kinda sounds like boo boo? No?"

The two looked at me in complete disbelief. To me, incredibly drunk me, that joke was hilarious but from the looks on their faces, I don't think it actually was.

"Right, Georgie go sort your hand out, I'll deal with this one." Jenna said waving Georgie off before going to get the first aid kit out of the kitchen. She took out some stuff, then handed it to Georgie as she walked over to me.

Jenna's Pov

I handed the kit over to Georgie after taking out some gauze, antiseptic and a band-aid, then made my way over to Y/n. I knelt down in front of the drunk girl and places all the medical stuff on my knee. I looked up at her with a bit of gauze in hand, and that's when I realised how bad her nose look. She had blood running all down her face, the skin on and around her nose was turning shades of purple and she had a cut on the bridge of her nose where the contact was clearly made.

"Fuck" I muttered under my breath before reaching up and began cleaning the blood up from her chin and lips. Thankfully, the bleeding had practically stopped so no more blood came gushing out again. I discarded or the dirty gauze and grabbed a fresh one, this time pouring a little bit of antiseptic on it. I hovered the gauze over the cut, "this will sting." I carefully pressed it on the bridge of her nose, and the second the gauze made contact, y/n sucked in a sharp breath reacting to the pain. "I know, I'm sorry." I hushed. Quickly, I cleaned up the rest of the blood that remained in her nose, then opened the band-aid. I tried to be as gentle as I could, softly placing it over the wound and pressing the sticky parts down. Y/n responded with groans of pain and then a "thank you."

"I think it's time for bed." I said to the girl, who gave me a look of refusal, "don't make me drag you there Y/n."

She attempted to stand up but she had no control over her balance and was wobbling all over like Bambi. I chuckled a little before putting her arm around her shoulder so she could lean on me for balance.

I spent that last 15 minutes trying to walk her up two flights of stairs to my room, if she wasn't so drunk I would've driven her back to her hotel. Once we made it into my room, she immediately threw herself face down on the bed.

"Nighty night Jennaaa" she slurred her words.

"No no, Y/n come on we need to get you changed and stuff." I said trying to get her to sit up, but in stead she just rolled into her back.

"Nooooooooo" she complained.

"Okay well we're taking your make up off at least." I said going into the bathroom and grabbing my make up wipes.

When I returned to the room, makeup wipes in hand, Y/n looked at me wide eyes then got up and bolted out into the living room.

"No- Y/n!" I yelled as I ran after her. She did a circuit around the whole house, running around the living room and then the kitchen, before sprinting back into the bed room and diving onto the bed and curling up into a ball to hide her face. She was laughing the entire time, while I was frustratedly trying to catch her. I got onto the bed and placed the wipes down next to me so I could try get to her face. After a long 2 minutes of struggling, I straddled her waist and finally had her pinned. "Are you gonna let me take your make up off now?" I asked rhetorically since I was going to do it anyway.

"Yeahh." She replied smiling with her eyes shut.

I took a wipe and started removing her makeup, making sure to be gentle around her nose. As I was finishing up, I heard a sniffle come from the girl below me, which is when I noticed a tear roll down her cheek.

I got up and sat down beside her, "what wrong? Did I press on your bruise too much?" I asked her worriedly.

"No, you didn't." She said quietly, sitting up next to me.

"What is it then?" I asked, "you can talk to me." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"What did I do wrong?" She asked without making eye contact.

"I- Nothing" I replied.

"Then, why did you stop loving me?" Her voice was quiet and strained, as if fighting to hold back more tears. She wasn't angry, or incredibly sad, she sounded numb, which to me was almost worse. It broke my heart.

"We should talk about this in the morning y/n/n you're drunk and emotional, the best thing right now is to sleep so that we can have a proper conversation. Is that okay?" I suggested.

"Yeah okay." She said, keeping her eyes on her fidgeting hands.

I helped her get into bed, turned out the light and then started making my way toward the living room.

"Jenna?" Y/n stopped me.


"Goodnight." She said softly.

"Goodnight." I replied, then shut the door.

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