"What about us?"

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Jenna sat staring out do the window of the aeroplane. She had her headphones on and tapped her fingers on the arm rest to the beat. She hasn't made eye contact with me- or spoken to me for that matter- since we took off. Sadie and Ava were sat in the seats in front of us, laughing and talking constantly, while Jenna practically ignored me. I am so confused as to why, though. I haven't done anything wrong- at least I don't think I have. Oh god, I really hope I haven't messed anything up. I mean we're finally starting to get somewhere, and if I've somehow messed that up then-

"Y/n?" Jenna said pulling me from my thoughts. She had her headphones round her neck now and she was fiddling with her fingers in her lap.

"Yeah?" I looked at her with a surprised and nervous look.

"Uh, I- um so, I saw something on Instagram that one of my friends sent me. And it's, really starting to worry me.." she started.

"What, what was it?" I asked her.

"Paparazzi caught a picture of me asleep on you at the airport and another of us holding hands. They posted it on Instagram and it's spreading round so fast, like it's fucking everywhere! Y/n, I don't know what to do like, I'm not ready to come out to the world, hell I don't even know what my sexuality is yet and then there's us.."

"What about us?" I asked.

"Well, it's new. And we're not exactly like a couple or anything, not yet anyway. And I like you Y/n, trust me I do, it's just, I don't know what I'm gonna say when people start asking me what our relationship is or something..." she rambled on clearly very stressed out, "I'm freaking out!"

"Hey, Jen, it's okay. We will figure it out together." I said placing my hand on top of hers.

"Okay." She smiled, "hey you look tired? You okay?"

"Yeah, I haven't been able to sleep at all through the journey so, I'm tired yeah" I laughed.

Jenna lifers up the arm rest and patted her lap, "then sleep." She said smiling. She lifted her arms up as I laid my head on her thighs. I put my headphones in to block out the loud cabin noises and I felt Jenna rest her arms on my shoulders.

I must have fallen asleep for a while because it was dark out when I woke up. The cabin lights were off and only LED strips that ran over the edges of the cabin roof. I lifted my head up, stretching my arms above my head, before leaning against my seat and looking over at Jenna.

"Good sleep?" She asked me smiling.

I leaned over and pecked her lips, "yeah. What time is it?" I asked her.

"Uh, 5:28 pm." She said looking down at her phone to check. Since it was December, it started getting dark really early.

"Okay, so only like an hour left until we land." I said, "I need the toilet, I'll be right back."

I got up out of my seat and head down the isle to the small restroom by the cockpit. I opened the door and then locked it behind me. I sat down in the cramped room and let my head fall back and hit the wall. I stared at the ceiling, trying to think but no thoughts came to my head. I didn't actually need the toilet, I just wanted to stretch my legs and be alone for a few minutes. I washed my face in the small sink and then dried off with a paper towel and flushed it down the toilet.

I left the restroom and headed back to my seat. It was dark and it was hard to see exactly where my seat was. I saw Ava and Sadie sleeping in their seats, then I saw Jenna sleeping with her head against the window.
I sat down and buckled my seat belt, then hers as when we got closer to California the Captain would turn the signal back on. I brought my hand under her head and guided her head onto my shoulder. She adjusted her self and linked her arm with mine, then interlocked our fingers.

She whispered something, already half asleep. I didn't quite hear what she said but I just kissed her head and rested my chin there. Closing my eyes and letting myself drift back off to sleep.

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