"Was it really worth it?"

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[not proof read]

Emma's POV

As soon as I dropped Ava off at her hotel, I slammed my foot on the gas pedal. I drove forward and made a quick U turn as soon as I could and then made my way back to the apartment block. At one point I flew passed a cop car, but luckily the officer was too distracted (or lazy) to do anything about it.

Arriving at the building, I jumped out of the car and slammed the car door shut before racing towards the elevator. One long minute later, the elevator door opened on Jenna's floor and I flounced towards her apartment door. As I was about to knock, the door opened and Percy walked out and practically walked into me.

"Get out of my way creep!" I said sternly up at him, to which he scoffed, rolled his eyes then walked away.

Letting myself in, I scanned the living area for Jenna but there was no sign of her. "Jenna!" I called out to her with more anger in my tone then I anticipated.

"In here..." a shaky quiet voice metered from the bedroom. I entered the room the voice came from and I was met with Jenna sat on the floor against her bed, hugging her knees while tears ran down her face.

"Jenna what the hell are you doing? How could you do that to y/n?" I asked her in a half angry half concerned tone of voice. 

Jenna began to uncontrollably sob, "I don't know" she cried, dragging out the last word as she continued sobbing into her knees. She tucked her head down so that her face was completely covered by her arms.

All anger had completely left me, i grew really concerned for her. I sighed and sat down on the floor beside her, I wrapped one arm around Jenna and pulled her into me.

"Talk to me Jen, was going on with you. You're worrying me." I said softly while rubbing her back to calm her down.

"I..." she began before taking a pause, "I never wanted to hurt her. I was a shitty girlfriend!"

"Was it really worth it? I mean Jenna you destroyed her, all for what? Percy?" I asked her.

"No..." she said with her voice trembling, she sounded like she wasn't sure about her answer.

"Then, why do all of that? Jenna please tell me what's going on..."  When Jenna started shutting me out, and then I heard she was shutting Y/n out too, I started to get really worried. I thought it was to do with her mental health, I continued to think that up until this conversation. Something is really off...

Jenna sat up and looked at me. I could see she was in pain, from how tense her eyes were as they looked into mine, full of heartache and grief. From the way her breathing grew heavier and less controlled, the way her lips trembled as she was trying to form words.

"Emma..." her voice wobbled and she broke down, "it's...p-percy!" She managed to get out as tears uncontrollably fled down her cheeks.

I sat with Jenna for around 10, maybe 15 minutes to let her calm down so that she could explain everything to me.

"What did he do?" I asked trying to hide the firmness and anger in my voice.

"He got jealous after Y/n and I became a couple. When we were shooting the first season, him and I were close, people would ship us and I knew that he had feelings for me but we never got anywhere because I had to go shoot scream straight after. When I came back to Romania, he got angry at me. He was saying that I was messing with his feelings and that I was 'supposed to be his'. He threatened me into being with him. He told me that he'd hurt her, he'd hurt Y/n if I told anyone or used my platform for expose him. I didn't know what else to do..." Jenna explained as she fidgeted with her hands.

"That fucking dick! Are you sure he wasn't bluffing?"

"I couldn't take the risk. You know how much of a psycho he is! Do you remember when he nearly broke Oliver's arm when he accidentally spilled coffee on him?" Jenna said.

"You're right. Wait, isn't telling me really risky? I'm glad you did but what if he finds out?" I asked nervously.

"He won't! You have to act like you're completely unaware. I had to tell you because I can't do this anymore em!" Jenna exclaimed.

"I know, I'm glad you told me Jen." I smiled at her as I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. Just then an idea came to mind, "I think I have a plan to get you out of this and Percy gone."

"It is legal right? Like you're not gonna commit a murder or anything?" Jenna asked surprisingly serious.

"As much as I would love to kill him, that's not my plan. Do you trust me?"

"I trust you Emma. Let's do it!"

A/N: I dunno if I like this chapter, I didn't really know what to do for Percy's motive for this whole thing so that's what I used. Sorry for a long wait, I have my final exams in a week so I've been cramming studying in. Hope this chapter was okay, thanks for reading I appreciate you guys!🙏

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