"Im sorry for breaking your heart"

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[not proof read]

Third person POV

With the moon now shining down on the small town in Romania and the glow of street lamps lighting up the streets, the four friends had successfully escaped; even though Jenna did the majority of the work. It had been a long three hours of arguing, messing around and having fun trying to figure out clues while avoiding the scare actors. Georgie had been complaining of being, quote on quote, 'ravenous from all his efforts and contribution', so they all decided on finding someplace to eat.

Emma had found a cute Italian restaurant in a quiet part of town; the interior was decorated with an assortment of plants and art works, the walls were exposed brick painted white which completed the wooden floor and furniture perfectly- very vibey. The four of them sat in a booth tucked away in the corner of the restaurant by some floor to ceiling windows; Georgie sat next to Y/n and Emma sat next to Jenna.

"I cannot believe how long it took us to get through that escape room!" Emma laughed while twirling some spaghetti with her fork, "That has got to be a world record."

"Maybe because I did most of the work while you three were practically huddled in a corner, clinging onto each other for dear life." Jenna retorted, laughing with the rest of us.

"Since when were you so good at escape rooms?" Y/n asked the brunette girl sat across from her.

"I dunno." Jenna said, taking a bite of her pizza, "it's just common sense I guess. Clearly, you guys lack it." She laughed as the other three pretended to act offended.

"Also, Y/n what went through your head when you tried to squeeze into that tiny ass suitcase when we had to hide from that guy with the hockey mask?" Georgie chuckled, recalling the memory in his mind.

"Clearly not a lot." She giggled, "I'm sure Jenna would've fit in there though."

Jenna lightly kicked Y/n's leg from under the table, "shut up I'm not that short!" She said trying to hide her laugh.

"You are." Georgie, Y/n and Emma said in unison.

Once everyone had finished their dinner, they all decided to head back to their own apartments to relax for the evening. It did take too long to get back since the restaurant was only an 8 minute drive and the roads were quiet as the rush hour had passed around 6:00pm.

Y/n lent against the cold rails of her balcony, glass of wine in hand, taking in the tranquility of the scenery surrounding her. Everything was so calm. She admired the way the trees danced with the faint autumn breeze. How the amber colour of the leaves were ever so slightly visible in the moonlight and how gracefully each one fell as the wind plucked them from the branches. A little fox pushed its nose out from the bushes, peering up at Y/n for a short moment; its fur was the colour of rust, appearing wirey yet soft. Then it was quick to dash back into the woods, disappearing with an orange flash.

A knock from the front door brought her attention away from the view. She quickly headed inside to opened the door; revealing Emma, who stood patiently on the other side.

"Hey Em." Y/n greeted the blonde.

"Hey Y/n, I was just wandering if you wanted to join us in my apartment to watch a couple of movies? It's pretty much the whole cast, minus Jenna." Emma asked.

Y/n thought for a second before replying, "I think I'm gonna sit this one out if that's okay, I'm pretty tired. Thanks for the offer though Em." She smiled.

Emma returned the smile, "no worries, goodnight
Y/n." They waved goodbye to each other and Emma left for her apartment.

However, Y/n lied. She wasn't tired at all, but she had a different idea of how she wanted to spend the evening. She closed the door to the balcony and quickly drank the remainder of her wine, put her shoes on, then made her way out of the apartment and downstairs.

She stood impatiently waiting for the door to open; fidgeting with her fingers nervously. The door opened ajar and Jenna's face peered round through the gap; after realising it was Y/n she opened it fully.

"Hey." She answered in slight confusion, not expecting Y/n to show up at her door.

"Hi." Y/n smiled, "I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?" She asked shyly.

A smile grew on Jenna's face. She couldn't say no, walks were one of her favourite things, and she knew Y/n knew that.

"I'd love to." She smiled up at the taller girl, "let me get my shoes."

The girls had been walking for a good half hour. For the whole journey they had shared Jenna's earphones, which meant that they had to walk close to each other, not that they minded. The walk began very quiet, neither of them spoke a word until Jenna asked Y/n if she was look forward to working on Wednesday. They talked about that for a while, gradually leading away from the topic and talked about what ever popped into their head. After walking for over an hour, they eventually decided to stop for a little while at this bench they'd come across. It overlooked the entirety of the town as it sat at the top of a very large hill.

The lights of the town below twinkled, mimicking the trillions of stars that decorated the sky above them. The serene beauty of the landscape made the night incredibly peaceful. The obnoxious honking of cars was replaced with the soft sound of leaves rustling in the wind. The smell of exhaust or cigarette smoke had vanished, here the air was fresh and pure.

"I'm sorry I hurt you." Jenna said very suddenly in a quiet voice.

"What?" Y/n look at Jenna, she had her eyes fixed on the sight in front of her, then hesitated before turning to look at her.

"I'm sorry for breaking your heart. I know I've said it before-"

"Jenna it's not your fault-"

"I know that. I know, but back then you didn't know that. And even though it wasn't my fault, I still broke your heart. And I'm sorry for that Y/n." Jenna's voice was soft.

"You did break my heart and I forgive you for that." Y/n gave Jenna a reassuring smile, "we broke each others' hearts. I broke your when I yelled at you like a psycho. I'm sorry for that."

"I forgive you." Jenna smiled, then turned her gaze back to the view. As did Y/n. "Do you think in another universe we would've worked out?"

"I think we work in every single one." Y/n spoke only just above a whisper.

"What about in this one?"Jenna looked up at Y/n.

Y/n thought for a moment, her focus fixed on the moon, all while Jenna couldn't take her eyes off Y/n. "I hope so..." Y/n said as she turned to meet eyes with the brunette girl, "there's nothing I want more."

"Me too." Jenna whispered. As if a natural reflex, she rested her head on Y/n's shoulder. Y/n resting her head on Jenna's. A comforting silence engulfed the pair, quiet music playing in their ear as they watched the lights below them.

A/N: IM BACK B1TCHESSSSSSS!!!!! It has been WAY too long since I've update this book, I'm sorry about that. I hope this chapter was okay, again I apologise for the extreme lateness. Have a good dayyy :)))

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