"I might have messed up..." Part 2

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"Um I need to tell you something. I might have messed up..." my voice was shaky with nerves, my heart was practically beating out of my chest and I was fidgeting with my hands again.

Jenna's posture changed and her muscles stiffened, I could tell that what I had just said made her just as anxious as me.

"What? Why? W-What did you do?" She stuttered staring at me waiting for an answer. I couldn't bring myself to speak and I just stared at her, "Y/n! What did you do?" She said more sternly but in a low voice, stepping closer to me.

"I um, well these two fans asked me about us, like asked if we were dating, A-And I didn't know what to say but I said we were more than friends but weren't official yet and then I realised that maybe you didn't want me to say that and now I'm panicking because I feel like I've messed things up especially after what you told me on the plane and I'm sorry if I-" I blurted put in one breath.

"Y/n!" Jenna cut me off.

"What?!..." I shouted a little louder than I planned, which startled the both of us, I cleared my throat and said it again quieter, What?"

"Calm down. I got asked that to and I said the exact same thing. It's fine, honestly. I wouldn't have asked you to be my date here if I wasn't ready to answer those questions." She said in a calm and reassuring tone, "just keep saying that as your answer, it's okay."

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in and relaxed my muscles. Jenna stepped forward and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, bringing me into a quick hug, before pulling away.

"Let's go take some pictures and do some interviews." I said grabbing Jenna's hand and walking towards the red carpet.

We both took some photos separately stood in front of the scream 6 back drop. We then took a couple of photos together, doing a few different poses for the paps. Then it was time for the cast photo and everyone grouped together. Someone dressed as Ghostface was stood in the middle and I was stood next to Mickey and Melissa, with Jenna on the other side of Melissa and next to Ghostface. We took a couple of photos, again, and then I decided to get a couple pictures with Ghostface. Then, everyone split off for interviews.

I made eye contact with a journalist, who signalled me over, so I made my way towards him.

"Hey Y/n, you look incredible." He greeted me.

"Hello, thank you, so do you! How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good thanks, how are you feeling tonight?" He asked me as he handed me a microphone.

"Im very nervous that's for sure, but I'm super excited to be here. It's great to be able to talk to fans and to everyone and I'm super psyched for the teasers to be released later, everyone's going to lose their minds!" I replied.

"Well I for one am super excited to see them. So, I have some questions to ask you, does that sound alright?"

"Yeah go ahead!"

"Alright so, we actually have Ghostface with us tonight,"

"Oh yeah, I've seen him, he hasn't tried killing me yet which I'll take as a win!" I joked which gained a laugh from the interviewer. I turned around to see the guy dressed as Ghostface looking at us and waving from where he stood, "That's my guy right there!" I laughed pointing at Ghostface.

"Alright, so my first question for you, what's it like being new on a cast that have already worked with each other before?"

"Well, I joined stranger things on the second season so I've handled being the new face before, but it was still very nerve racking. The cast were very welcoming and I instantly became close to them and they're like my family now."

"That's sweet. Is there anything you can tell us about Scream 6, and spoilers?"

"Well, all I can say is we're not holding back on gore this film. It's going to be more tense, more bloody, more gory and there a lot of unexpected things that are going to happen."

"Wow, now I'm even more excited for this film. Alright, my final question is, will we see any familiar faces from some of the first scream movies returning?"

"I guess you'll have to wait and see but, you know, maybe...you never know who Ghostface could be!"

"Thank you for your time, enjoy your evening"

"Thank you, you to."

I finally wrapped up the last of my interviews and it was now time for the trailers to be premiered. I looked around searching for Jenna, but I couldn't see her anywhere. However, I spotted Sadie and Ava, so I walked over to them hoping they knew where she was.

"Hey guys, have you seen Jenna? We're meant to be giving the speech for the trailer drop in 10 minutes, but I can't find her." I asked them.

"She's in the restroom, she actually told me to tell you to meet her in there." Sadie said giving me a smile.

"Thank you. I'll see you guys in 10!" I said before making my way towards the restroom.

I opened the door to see an empty room. I called out for Jenna and her head popped out from the far stall. She walked towards me and she leaned forward, locking the main door. She looked up at me and cupped my cheeks with her hands, then pulled me into a desperate and passionate kiss. A second later, Jenna had backed me up against the door as we made out in the bathroom. As much as I wanted to keep going, we had to go present the trailers, so I pulled away from the kiss.

"We have to go, we're giving that speech in 4 minutes." I said walking over to the mirror and fixing my lipstick. Jenna followed me and did the same.

"Alright, we'll finish this later." She said, giving me a wink and walking toward the door, unlocking it, and leaving the restroom.

Jenna and I stood in front of the extremely large crowded holding up the microphones ready to speak. We both took turns in saying our lines the directors had prepared for us, and when we finished, everybody gave a round of applause, then we made our way to our seats.

We sat down, and the lights dimmed. Everything was pitch black and silent. Then, we heard a blood curdling scream, and the words 'New York. New Rules.' appear on the screen.

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