Birthday p.2

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Jenna was driving my car to an unknown location...well, unknown to me anyways. She demanded I kept this blindfold on until we got there so it didn't ruin the surprise.

"You're not going to take me out into the woods to murder me are you?" I asked her in a semi serious tone.

"Lucky guess, the surprise is ruined now." She said sarcastically while she laughed, "no! Of course not. We're here now anyway."

The car slowed down and she turned the engine off. I heard the car door slam shut and footsteps receding.

"Yep, she's definitely going to kill me." I said, slightly nervous to where she's taken me.

Just then, my door opened and Jenna pulled my arm toward her gently.

"Come on." She said softly, guiding me out of the vehicle.

I walked in front of her as Jenna held onto my waist making sure i was walking in the right direction. Suddenly, I gasped as her grip on my waist tightened, signalling for me to stop.

"Does my touch make you nervous Y/n?" Jenna said quietly into my ear from behind me, keeping her hands on my waist.

"...No. No, it just shocked me!" I retorted. Did she actually just say that?...I thought.

"Relax. I'm kidding." She chuckled. The blindfold loosened and Jenna removed it from my eyes.

As my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked around at the surprise Jenna had set up for me. At the edge of a small cliff, surrounded by trees and grass that overlooked the city, was a blanket. It had a wicker basket with what looked to be different kinds of foods inside of it. Around the blanket, on a large bit of rock behind the grass the blanket was splayed over, was some candles and battery powered fairly lights for decoration. Next to the basket was also a guitar, a bottle of wine and two glasses. I spun around to look at Jenna, who was waiting eagerly for my response. I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a short hug, "thank you Jen, it's beautiful."

I pulled away and looked back at the picnic, "Looks very romantic...are you bringing me on a date?" I asked her raising an eyebrow with a smirk plastered on my face.

"Uhh...well- I mean, I wasn't... n- I" she stuttered, shocked at my question.

"Jenna I'm joking. Come on..." I said taking her hand and leading her over to the blanket.

We sat eating our food and occasionally taking a sip of wine, whilst admiring the view of the city. We sat in silence for a while, with some music playing from Jenna's phone quietly playing in the background, as we enjoyed the peace. Until, the guitar caught my eye.

"How come you brought a guitar?" I asked her, taking a sip of wine.

"Oh!" She grabbed the guitar and placed it on her lap, ", I wanted to play you something, I'm working on the lyrics but I've only got the melody so far."

[A/N- in this imagine Jenna wrote 'Here with me by d4vd'- this is the song she's playing on the guitar.]

Jenna began to pluck the strings carefully with her fingers. She was very concentrated, focusing on her strumming, making sure she didn't mess anything up. As she played the guitar, she started to hum a melody quietly over it. I leaned back, supporting myself with my arms, and closed my eyes as I listened to her. It was beautiful. The way she hummed the lyrics she wasn't sure about. The way she played the slow melody of her song. And just...her.

I slowly opened my eyes, watching Jenna. I admired the features of her face. I've never taken the time to just look at her and her beauty. Yes, I admit I always found Jenna attractive, but in this moment...I was just realising how pretty she really is. Her soft brown eyes that flicked between looking at the frets to her thumb strumming the guitar. Her smooth tanned skin and the freckles that covered her nose. Her soft and delicate lips and the way she would gently bite her bottom lip when she concentrated. Her perfect jawline and her cheeks. The way her fringe parted in the middle and rested perfectly at her eyebrows. And her dark brown hair that was always styled neatly. I had never looked at her the way I was now. In this moment, I realised that the way I felt about jenna was different, I think maybe I-

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jenna's voice made me snap out of my thoughts. Her voice sounded sweet and innocent, soft and quiet. I looked up at her. Her head was tilted down, as if she were still playing the guitar, but her eyes were locked with my own. I noticed she was smiling. And so was I.

Until now, I hadn't realised how close we were. I laid on my back, propped up by my arms and Jenna sat inches from me. Her legs were crossed and her body leaned slightly toward me. I sat up slightly, bringing my face closer to hers. Her eyes flicked down to my lips then back to my eyes. She leaned in closer, bringing our lips an inch apart. Her lips brushed against mine. She was about to kiss me, but she pulled away.

"Y/n..." Jenna said in a sad voice. She turned away from me and stared at the ground.

"What's wrong?"

"I- can't do this...with you. Not yet."

"Did I do something wr-" i stars yes before she cut me off.

"No! Definitely's just. I still don't know who I am... like- I- I don't know if... I'm just not su-"

"You don't know if you're gay." I cut her off, "right?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I'm still figuring it out. I can't ruin what we have... can we just forget about that? Please?" She pleaded.

"Mhm." I hummed. I knew if I spoke my voice would break, and she'd know I was upset. I didn't want her to feel anymore guilty than she did already. I felt a tear escape my eye and I quickly brushed it away.

Noticing this, Jenna reached over and brushed away another tear from my eye, leaving her hand on my cheek and looking into my eyes.

"Don't." I said brushing her hand away, "I'm okay, just the wind is making my eyes water." I lied.

A/n: i just found out I have the same birthday as Natasha Romanoff, 3rd of December. Omg!

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