An unforgettable experience

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The gigantic screen lit up with the word "Scream" as it played a horrifying scream, a scream that was done by Jenna Ortega. I mean, she is the scream Queen so of course it would be her the asked to do it.

The theatre became silent as everyone's attention was glued to the screen. But not for long...little did they know we had a few surprises to make this experience even better then just watching the trailer.

Suddenly, every door that connected the theatre to the lobby was slammed open and the screen turned completely off, leaving the room in an eerier darkness. Suspenseful music began playing through every speaker in the room, slowly getting louder and louder. Until bright white lights flashed only for a split second, revealing 3 people dressed as Ghostface, each one in a separate isle and had a slightly different features on the masks (which only the cast and crew knew represented different killers).

I smirked when I saw one of the actors in my Ghostface suit, I hadn't really seen it before since I was the one wearing it but it looked so fucking cool. With my suit they decided to change it up a little and make it more practical. The outfit consisted of black cargos that were tucked into black military boots, with an oversized black hoodie, black motorcycle gloves (the ones with the knuckle protectors and full covered fingers). The mask was the best part- it was the classic Ghostface mask, however it was slightly dirty with a scratch that ran over the bridge of the nose and across the eye on the right side.

When that split second ended, the lights were off again and the room quickly became pitch black again. For a few moments, we were sat in complete darkness and complete silence. A familiar voice came over the speakers, one that I know cause goosebumps grow on every single persons arms who sat in the audience. My voice, only covered with the ghost face voice changer, that's said in a low and unsettling voice- "What's your favourite scary movie?".

At that everyone in the audience stood out of their chairs and cheered, clapping their hands when I said that line- well I mean, they didn't know it was me but they will. Everyone quickly settled down and the trailer began playing. I have to admit, the trailer was incredible. When people saw Kirby on the screen they went wild, and they did the same for Jenna, Me and the rest of the cast that survived Scream 5. But when they saw Hailee Steinfeld on the screen for the 0.5 seconds she had in the trailer, they cheered the loudest. I haven't been told what hailee's role in the movie is yet but I know it's not gonna just be a small cameo, and I'm excited to find out when I get the next section of the script.

The lights slowly came back on and the crowd went mental. I'd never witnessed anything like before but I felt so proud of myself and everyone on this project when seeing their reaction. I looked over at Jenna, who was already looking at me with a wide smile. I wanted to kiss her so badly but I knew we couldn't in public, at least not yet, so I grabbed her hand and squeezed it tightly.

I meant closer to her ear and quietly said to her "I'm so proud of you my love."

When I looked back at her and she had a certain look in her eyes, a familiar yet unrecognisable one.

"I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you too." She said smiling up at me.

"I love you."

Our attention was pulled away from each other when the producer began talking into the microphone. He was stood up front with the three Ghostface's spread out behind him.

"Thank you all so much for coming tonight and every me never on the Scream project thanks each and everyone of you for your support. It means the world to us. This movie is going to be no like any other Scream movie you have seen. Just when you think you know what going to happen, you will be proven wrong. It's going to be bloodier, gorier and a hell of a journey that I hope you all enjoy. Now, please go and grab some food over at the food area, and join us shortly for our panel. Thank you so much."

"Wanna grab some food before going on stage again?" Jenna asked me.

"Oh my god please I'm starving."

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