"Shes different, and i know you know it."

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After Jenna had gone inside, I slowly made my way back to the car. My thoughts racing through my mind. Why did that hug feel...different than the last? Why did I freeze? Do I li-

"You're girlfriend is very nice!" My dad said bringing me out of my head.

"W-What?" I said looking at him confused, "She's not my girlfriend, we're friends..."

"But you like her?" He said, he didn't really ask me, it was more of a telling me.

"I- we just met, Dad." I sighed turning my engine on.

"Y/n, love isn't something that comes in time. It comes when it's right. When she hugged you, you froze, and the last time I checked you haven't froze with any of your past girlfriends. She's different, and I know you know it." He said to me in a very serious tone.

I couldn't form words. I simply just stared blankly at the rain drops falling onto the windscreen. I nodded my head, to acknowledge his words, then pressed down the accelerator. I decided we'd go to this small restaurant that we used to go to every Sunday. My Dad and Esteban Reyes, the owner, we're very close friends as they went to school together back when they live in Spain.

My dad and Esteban moved to America together for work. They both wanted to become business men and had the dream of living in New York. My dad became a successful business man and is now the CEO of his own company. He met my mum while she was on vacation from England and they fell in love, later they had me moved back to England to raise me. Then my dad went back to the USA when they divorced and when I turned 14 I moved with my dad. It's not that I wanted to be with my dad over my mum, I just knew that America was my chance to become an actress. And I was right.

It was only a 15 minute drive, which we practically sat entirely in silence. I pulled into a parking space and shut off the engine. I opened my door and got out, my dad following suit. I opened the doors and was welcomed with Esteban's huge welcoming smile.

"Y/n! Mateo! Ha pasado tanto tiempo, bienvenidos mis amigos! [it has been so long, welcome my friends]." He greeted us.

"Encantada de verte Esteban. [Nice to see you Esteban]." I said.

"¡Esteban! ¿Como has estado? [how have you been], I've missed you mi amigo!" My dad exclaimed hugging his old friend.

We sat in our booth with Esteban stood next to us with his note pad and pen.

"You have grown so much since I last saw you Y/n!" He said to me.

"Well Esteban, I am 22 now. I was only 14 when you last saw me." I laughed.

"Sí tienes razón [Yes, you're right], what can I get you?" He asked us.

"I'll have a latte and a cheeseburger please." I said.

"And I'll have an americano with the pork ribs." My dad said.

"un minuto, [one minute], I'll get that right to you."

We spent 2 hours (ish) eating and talking, catching up after being apart for 8 months. We decided to call it a day, since I had to go practice lines and he said he had somewhere to be. We drove back to my apartment as he wanted to say bye to Sadie.

I unlocked the door and Sadie was sat on the couch watching Netflix.

"Hey Sades, say bye to my dad he's going." I called to her. She got up and gave him a hug.

"Bye Mateo, good to see you again." She smiled

"Adiós Sadie, take care of Y/n for me." He said.

"Of course I will." She laughed. Sadie resumed her place on the couch.

"Oh, Chica, before I forget I won't be here for your birthday, so I brought you you're gift now. Don't open it until the day comes." He said handing me a gift bag.

"Why not? You said you were this year." I asked, feeling hurt by this statement.

"Y/n, it's work. I don't have the time to come over. Perdóname por favor [Forgive me, please]." He said to me calmly.

"Sure." I said bluntly, "Bye dad."

I closed the door on him and walked straight to my room. I slammed the door shut as tears rolled down my face. In the past 4 years since I moved to New York alone, not once has he come to see me on my birthday. He visits the month before then gives me a present and tells me he can't come. I don't know why I thought it would be different. People never change.

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