"I figured it out..."

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It was just after 9 pm. I was sat on the couch in my room, watching the rain thrash against the windows that I stared blankly out of.  My thoughts overwhelmed me as they rushed through my mind like a tsunami of words and images. As much as I tried, I couldn't push them out. Every moments Jenna and I had shared together lingered in my head; the moment we had on my birthday, the nights we'd spend talking for hours, and one thing that I really couldn't get out of my head. Listening to her sing those lyrics, then crying afterwards. Hearing her sob hurt me, more than anything ever had.

I couldn't help but wonder, was she singing about me? Or...someone else.

"Fuck it!" I exclaimed as I stood up, slipping my shoes on and rushing out of my apartment. I left the door wide open as I exited it in a hurry.

"Where are you going?!" I head Sadie yell to me from the door.

"I've gotta go do something!" I yelled back not stopping.

I practically jumped down the countless flights of stairs until I reached the bottom. I flung the lobby doors open and stumbled out into the pouring rain. I took a deep breath as I looked up, letting the rain splash onto my face, soaking my clothes within seconds. The path beneath me began to move as my feet started walking through the streets, leading me to the one place I knew I had to go to. My pace quickened and the next minute, I was sprinting as fast as my legs could run through the busy streets of New York.

I ran for over half an hour, and not once did I stop. I couldn't breath and my legs felt like they were about to give way from under me, but I couldn't stop- I kept running. Until...Jenna's door came into sight. I knocked on her door and I stood chewing my lip anxiously waiting for her to open it. I stood far back from the door, about half way down the pathway. Then, it opened...

Jenna's POV

I sat on my couch listening to the rain outside whilst reading my favourite book. I found that the quiet and reading always made me feel better after a crappy day. Midway through a sentence, I heard a knock at the door. It was a desperate and impatient kind of knock, which made me wonder, who the hell is at my door at nearly 10pm.

I put my book on the coffee table and made my way to the door, and opened it. My breath hitched when I saw her. The girl that was on my mind for the past 2 weeks; the same girl that had been ignoring me.

Y/n stood soaking wet from head to toe, squinting her eyes slightly trying to keep the rain out of them. She only wore a white T-shirt and some black shorts, that now clung to her body due to them being drenched. There was no car outside, and the way she panted and gasped for breath told me she had ran miles to get here. She had the same look in her eyes from the moment we almost kissed on her birthday.

"Y/n..." is all I could say. There's so much I could have said, like 'hey y/n, so I've figured it out'...or 'I'm so glad you're here, I missed you'. But no...all I could say was her name.

Y/n's POV

Hearing her say my name made me realise that I'd actually have to say something. I came all this way to let it all out and tell her everything I felt...so now I have to follow through.

" I can't stop thinking about you! Ever since the moment we had, all I could think about was you!" I shouted over the rain, "And I really don't care how long it takes for you to figure it out, I'll wait for you! I really like you...Jenna! If you don't feel the same it's fine...I just- I had to tell you..."

Jenna stared at me, she was definitely taken aback by what I had just said. But like I said, I don't care, I'll wait.

I thought I had scared her, and that she was gonna just slam the door in my face. But, she stepped out into the rain, walking slowly towards me. The rain soaked her sweater and her shorts, and her hair quickly darkened when it absorbed the water.

In seconds, she was stood inches away from me. I could feel the heat from her body radiate off her as she stepped closer to me. Her head tilted up slightly and she looked up at me with her eyes. She had a small smirk on her face as her eyes locked with mine. She brought her hand up to my face; cupping my cheek with her soft warm palm, then brushing it down my neck and resting it on my chest. Then, she looked at my lips, licking her own before looking back into my eyes. I cupped her face with both of my hands, rubbing my thumb gently against her jaw. As I did this, her smirk turned into a smile and she bit her bottom lip, her eyes once again fixed on my lips. She brought her free hand up and held onto the back of my hand.

"I figured it out..." Jenna said softly to me looking deep into my eyes, "...I like you to."

I tilted her head upwards and looked at her lips. She leaned closer to me as the gap between our faces slowly closed. Our eyes closed as Jenna pressed her lips against mine and the milder together perfectly...like two pieces of a puzzle. They tasted like vanilla, and they were warm and soft. I pulled away, just to look at her. She held the same smile on her face, causing one to grow on mine. We looked at each other for a moment, not saying anything. Until, Jenna snakes her hand up my chest and around the back of my neck, pulling me toward her again and locking our lips. This time kissing with more passion and eagerness.

Here we stood, kissing outside her house in the middle of the night. Not giving a shit about the rain that drenched us or any strangers that passed by. Not even caring that paparazzi could see us and spread it across the internet within minutes. We just kissed each other like we were the only two people in the world...

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