Birthday part.1

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When I woke up the next morning, Jenna was no where to be seen. I scanned my room and her stuff was still on the sofa at the other end. Well, at least she hasn't ditched completely. I didn't have the energy to get out of bed, so I grabbed my phone and pulled up Instagram.

After scrolling for a few minutes, I stopped on a post Jenna has uploaded yesterday...

After scrolling for a few minutes, I stopped on a post Jenna has uploaded yesterday

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jennaortega: Y/n's balcony has the best view!

Jennaswifereal: Wait, she's at Y/n's?!
User614Z: I'm in love
OrtegaFan61: Knew it, @Jennaswifereal pay up!
Jennaswifereal: @OrtegaFan61 damn...


Before I could type a comment, the door opened to reveal Jenna and Sadie. Jenna was holding a tray of breakfast and Sadie was hiding half behind the door frame as if she was trying to hide something.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!!" They both yelled in unison.

Jenna walked over and sat on the bed next to me and handed me the tray. It had a stack of pancakes topped with maple syrup and fresh berries. There was a glass of orange juice and a cute little arrangement of chocolates on the side.

"How did you know it was my birthday today? I never told you when it was." I asked Jenna with a smile on my face.

"I texted Sadie on set yesterday when you told me about your dad, she told me then." She replied, "now did in, I have a whole day of surprises planned out for you!"

Sadie then came in with a couple of presents piled in her arms.

"We've also got some gifts for you!" She placed them down besides my bed then sat on the floor looking at us.

"Guys! You didn't have to do this you know." I protested.

"What's your point?" Sadie said to me.

I ate the breakfast they had made for me and it was delicious. I know for a fact Sadie can't cook for shit, so I'm assuming Jenna made the pancakes and I'll give it to her they were fucking good.

I then opened all of the gifts my family members had sent and then Sadie's gift, and I gave her a hug thanking her. Jenna then took the last gift and held it out to me.

"This is from me." She said smiling.

I looked at it for a moment before taking it, "you got me a gift?" I asked slightly shocked seen as she only found out yesterday.

"Of course I did. Now open it." She said impatiently.

I tore open the wrapping paper and it revealed a box with a picture of the headphones I've been wanting for ages since my last pair broke.

"You didn't!" I exclaimed.

"Do you like them?" Jenna asked watching a smile spread on my face.

I threw my arms round her, "I love them! Thank you Jen." I smiled pulling away from our hug.

"Pass me then really quick?" Jenna asked.

I gave her the box, and she opened it, taking out the headphone and taking it out of the packaging. She turned them on and connected them to her phone. She clicked play on a song and put them on me. My eyes widened when I it started playing. The sound quality was incredible, literally the best I've ever heard. It was like surround sound and it blocked out all of the external noise. They were so comfy too.

As the music played, I held eye contact with her. Our gazes were fixed on each other, and not once did we break it. I got so lost staring into her brown eyes. Thoughts started to flow into my mind, before they could go any further, I tapped the pause button on the side and took them off, resting the headphones around my neck.

"They're prefect. Thank you!" I smiled with gratitude.

"You're welcome y/n/n, you deserve them." She said returning the smile, "now let get dressed, I want to get the day started!" She said taking hold of my hands and pulling me up.

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