"Fuck you"

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Jenna and I had gone up to her apartment so we didn't scream at each other in front of everyone, because nobody wants to see that. Jenna threw her bag on the floor and faced me.

"What is up with you Y/n? You show up here out of the fucking blue without warning me and then you think it's okay to be rude to my best friend?" Jenna started.

"What? I showed up here because Emma was worried about you and to be honest Jenna so was I! We haven't had a proper conversation in months and then I come here to see you flirting and acting like a couple with some guy? Can you understand how I fucking feel Jenna?!"

"No Y/n, I don't. You shouldn't have shown up here, all you've done is making things worse."

"Jenna...be honest with me please." I took a deep breath before asking her the question I practically knew the answer to, "have you cheated on me?"

She didn't answer me, she just looked at me with a guilty look on her face which told me my answer. Tears began to swell in my eyes. My heart began beating faster and my body began shaking.

"Fuck you" I muttered as tears escaped my eyes. I pushed passed her and stormed out of her room.

Jenna followed after me as I began making my way down the stairs towards Emma's room.

"Y/n wait, can we talk about it before you storm off!" She called to me. I stopped and turned around angrily.

"Oh now you want to fucking talk?" I said sarcastically, "why? Why did you do it?"

Jenna stood a few steps above me. Her posture relaxed slightly and she took a deep breath in.

"Y/n...we've been apart, for 4 months..." she said in a weirdly calm tone.


"I mean...can you blame me?" She replied taking one step closer, in which I took one back.

"What?" I said quietly. Those four words shattered my heart, "can I blame you? Are you serious?"

"Y/n I needed someone to be therefore me. I never intended to cheat on you or hurt you but I was going through a rough patch and Percy was there he held me while I cried, he..."

"What? Say it..."

"He loved me. He was there for me and you weren't"

"Jenna do you not know how to use a God Damn Fucking Phone?? You could have called me, texted me, FaceTimed me...if you asked I would've been on the next flight out to be therefore you but no you decided cheating was easier?!"

By now tears we're streaming out of my eyes, yet only a few fell from Jenna's. I'm pretty sure everyone in Emma's apartment could hear us right now but I didn't care.

"I'm sorry Y/n..." Jenna said trying to sound apologetic.

"No you're not. No the fuck you're not!" I yelled at her.

"I am sorry!" She exclaimed.

"Then prove it Jenna! Go in there and break things off with him if you're so fucking sorry!" I said pointing to the door, waiting for her to do something.

"I- can't..."

"You know what...then we're done. He can fucking have you."

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