Here goes nothing

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Y/n's POV

Anxiously, Jenna and I sat in silence throughout the car ride to set. After speaking with Emma and Georgie, we came up with a plan on dealing with Percy. The four of us agreed that we would explain the situation to Tim, our director, and hopefully figure out a way for Jenna to be comfortable and safe. All there was to do now was wait to arrive on set.

Jenna, who had her headphones on looking out the car window, was nervously picking at her fingernails besides me. I reach over and placed my hand on top of hers, which turned her attention to me. I gave her a reassuring smile before removing my hand from hers.

Soon, we arrived. My heart began beating out of my chest; although it wasn't because I was worried about me. My heart was racing for Jenna. Only god knows what the outcome of this will be, I hope for Jenna's sake it's good.

We get out of the car and I immediately move to Jenna's side. Emma and Georgie must have got here before us because they greeted us at the gate. The four of us walked together towards the directors trailers, Emma and I on either side of Jenna and Georgie walking behind. Here goes nothing.

I knocked on the door of Tims trailer, my heart now beating a mile a minute. A moment goes by with no response, then the door opens. I was expecting Tim, however, Percy walks out. I instinctively stand in front of Jenna, blocking the space between them and scowling up at him. He didn't say a word, he only glanced at Jenna for a second, then glared at me and Georgie before walking away. Tim appeared at the door after that, and he did not look happy.

"All of you, inside. Now." He said firmly in his gravely voice.

——A few moments later——

"I expected better from my lead actors. What were you thinking?" Tim spoke directly to me and Georgie, "what do you think the media would do when they hear about a drunken bar fight? I am beyond disappointed in the pair of you!"

"Sir, we can explain." Georgie spoke up.

"I'm fair. I heard Percy's side, now I'll hear yours." Tim replied.

Georgie and I proceeded to explain what really happened that night, covering every single detail that was necessary. We explained how we had multiple eye witnesses that could prove our side of the story. Tim said he understood, although he believed us he claimed he had to check with the other cast member who were present at the bar.

"Tim?" Emma said quietly after Tim had finished speaking, "Jenna and I need to speak to you about Percy. It's important."

Tim instructed Georgie and I to wait outside the trailer whilst Jenna and Emma tell him everything. We sat just outside on two of the three foldable chairs. Muffled voices could be heard from inside; it was hard to hear what was being said, however I could make out a few parts every now and again. Percy sat at a table by some food trucks about 40 feet across from us. I stared at him while he typed on his phone, his presence infuriated me. I mean, how could he even live with himself, how is he okay with doing what he's done?

"You know, if you keep glaring at him like that you're gonna burn holes in the back of his head." Georgie joked in a hushed voice so only I could hear him.

"Yeah well, if we're lucky enough it will kill him." I quipped still glaring at Percy.

Georgie laughed in response, "hopefully."

Just then the trailer door opened and Tim called the two of us inside. He excused Jenna and Emma and had his personal Assistant escort them to their trailers, leaving the three of us alone.

"Okay, I have come up with a solution." Tim started, "After speaking with Jenna, I've decided that Percy will be removed from this project. We will have him here tomorrow for the day with Gwendolyn and joy to shoot some scenes to make his absence on the show make sense to the storyline. If we had more time I'd write him out of the script entirely but unfortunately we do not. We're putting him in a hotel on the other side of town for the night and he'll be on a plane home after shooting tomorrow. Now, Y/n you will take Percy's apartment from tomorrow after we have him moved out, which is the one just above Jenna's. And Georgie, normally you would be suspended from set for a few days because of your actions, however, given the circumstances I believe you shouldn't be punished."

"Thank you." Georgie and I both said simultaneously.

"Oh and, you two, Jenna and Emma have the day off today and tomorrow. So enjoy it, relax." Tim smiled.

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