The date

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A/n: Not proof read

It was the perfect morning. Perfect California weather; hot sun, blue skies and no rain. I do love rain but I needed no rain for today because today i was taking Jenna out on our first real date. Rain is not going to mess this up for me.

It's currently 8:39 am, I had managed to slip out of Jenna's arms without her waking up, so I was already up and dressed. However, Jenna was still in a deep sleep, which was perfect because I can sort things out without her knowing.

After I had made some phone calls, I quietly walked over to Jenna's side of the bed and crouched down next to her. I placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and rubbed her back in attempt to wake her up.

"Jenna?" I whispered, well kinda whispered.

Her head lifted up only slightly off the pillow and she half opened one of her eyes, "Huh?" She said still half asleep.

"Good morning my love." I said with a smile.

"Nooooo 5 more minutessss" she groaned dropping her head back down on her pillow, which made me laugh.

"Jen, come on wake up. Please?" I asked her still laughing a little.

She opened her eyes, this time fully, and smiled, "you're too pretty to say no to." She said before sitting up and stretching. "What time is it?" She asked.

"Uh about 8:45 ish. We have breakfast at 9:30 so come on get dressed." I said taking her hands in mine and pulling her out of bed.
I gave Jenna a rough idea of what kinda clothes she should wear that would suit the day I had planned for us, and she headed towards the wardrobe to get ready. Jenna put on a pair of baggy blue jeans, with a white Tshirt and a dark navy blue cardigan over the top. She put a bikini on underneath because I told her she may need it.

—-short time skip——

We had spent the last hour having an amazing breakfast, and I mean amazing, the food was incredible. Jenna had waffles topped with fresh fruit and yogurt and I had pancakes with bacon and syrup. After we had eaten and finished our conversation, I paid for the breakfast and we left the restaurant.

Jenna's POV

As we left the restaurant, I heard a click sound come from behind us. I turn around to see a lone paparazzi with his camera taking a couple of pictures of Y/n and I. I paid no attention to him, instead I took hold of her hand and interlocked our fingers. *Click* Using my other hand, I turned Y/n's face towards me and kissed her lips. *Click* I smiled up at her and we set off walking to wherever Y/n was taking me.


"You better not be taking me out here to kill me!" Jenna said half serious as we walked through some trees. I had my hands over her eyes to keep it a surprise and she held onto my arms tightly incase she were to trip over a tree root.

" did you know that's what I was doing?" I asked her as I stopped walking, which caused Jenna to stop since I was guiding her.

"Ha ha, you're funny. Why have we stopped? Are we here?" She asked me.

"Yep." I said as I removed my hands from her eyes.

Jenna's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she took in the scenery. She look at me with an 'Omg are you serious?!' Kind of way, then she turned around with a huge smile on her face.

"Y/n what the fuck! How did you find this place it's incredible?!" Jenna exclaimed amazed at the spot I had chosen.

The spot was like a mini secluded beach away from the public. It was a small open space that was surround by trees apart from the ocean side. The floor was mainly soft green grass but turned into sand when you got closer to the water. In the middle of the grass laid a dense oak log and behind it was a hammock tied between two trees with a tarp tired above it to protect it from rain.

"My old friend showed me this place a few years back. Literally nobody knows it exists." I said taking a seat on the grass with my back against the log. I took off my bag and pulled out a portable speaker which I connected my phone to. I played some music and stood up.

I began to dance to the music as I walked over to Jenna.

"What are you doing?" She asked giggling.

"Dance with me." I smiled as I took her bag of and placed it on the floor by mine.

We danced together for a few songs. Then, Jenna looked at me with a grin, "Wanna go for a swim?" She asked, although it didn't really seem like a question. I nodded yes and we took off our clothes so we were just in our swimsuits.

"Last one there has to drive back!" Jenna shouted as she took off towards the water.

"JENNA!" I shouted as a ran after her.

When I finally caught up to her, Jenna was already at above waist height, floating on her back.

"You're a slow runner." Jenna laughed as she looked up at the sky.

"No I'm not." I said defensively, "you had a head start."

"If you say so." Jenna laughed.

We started swimming a little further out so that the water was at shoulder level. shoulder level, I'm pretty sure Jenna couldn't touch the floor. While I was stood on the sea bed, Jenna was treading water to keep her head up.

"I've got you." I laughed. I moved close to her and placed my hands on her hips. She draped her arms around my neck and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Thank you." She said looking into my eyes.

"Jenna...?" I asked.


"Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her.

Jenna smiled then leaned in and kissed me. She pulled away and cupped my face, "yes, of course!" Jenna then wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tightly.

A/N: I'm not gonna lie I didn't really like this chapter but I really had no clue what to write. It would be great if you guys could give me some ideas to add to the story and lmk anything you'd like to see happen. Anyways, stay hydrated😁

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