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I woke up to the beautiful sunrise engulfing the New York City skyline in its morning light. Colours of orange, pink, purple and yellow swirled together perfectly with the clouds. Golden beams of sunlight shone through the gaps of the skyscrapers and between the leaves of the trees in Central Park. Song birds sang blissful tunes, drowning out the bustling noise of the streets below as they flew through the air.

Tiredly, I slowly got out of bed, shuffling my feet as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the cold tap, and cupped my hands letting the cool water pour into them. I brought my hands to my face and let the water run over my skin. The shock from the cold stimulated my senses, brining me out of my tired state.

I grabbed my phone and made my way into the kitchen for some quick breakfast. I clicked the power button on my phone to check the time, 9:36am. I've got an hour and a half to kill before I pick up Jenna...I thought to myself as I  placed my phone on the counter top.

I took two slices of bread from their packet and tossed them into the toaster and setting it going. Then, I opened the fridge and pulled out a fresh avocado.

"What you making?" Sadie asked me as she walked into the kitchen.

"Avocado toast...you're up early!" I laughed. 9:30 is early in Sadie's world, she's normally up at 11 when she isn't at work or something.

"Okay, and I smelt toast. Sue me." She laughed as she took a seat on the couch.

"Want some?" I asked her.

"Duh! I didn't get out of bed for nothing." She scoffed.

After I had finished making my breakfast and ate it, it was now 10:01. I brushed my teeth then walked back into my room. I went straight to my wardrobe, browsing through outfit choices for the day. I decided on pale blue baggy mom jeans that I cuffed at the bottom, with a white button up shirt. I left the top two buttons undone and threw on a light brown crew neck knitted sweater. I put on some white socks and my brown Jordan's to match[or outfit of your choice].

After I got dressed, I styled my hair into waves curls [or style of your choice] and did my make up.

By the time I was done, it was now 10:48. Time to go...I thought as I grabbed my car keys and my tote bag and headed out of my apartment.

When I arrived at the address Jenna had sent me, I texted Jenna letting her know I was outside. Around 5 minutes later, I saw her walking towards my car.

Jenna was wearing black baggy jeans and a white T-shirt, with a dark blue coat over the top. Her hair was in a messy low bun and she wore black headphones around her neck.

"Heyy!" She greeted me with a smile on her face, dragging out the 'y'.

"Hey Jen!" I smiled in return, "so where are we going?"

"Now, Y/n, that would be a surprise!" Jenna typed in an address into my navigator.

"If you say so!" I laughed, setting off to this 'surprise'.

We spent the car journey listening to music and having small conversations. When we reached our destination, we parked up and Jenna lead me to this classic American diner that was tucked away in an ally next to Central Park.

"Wow...this is so cool! How have I didn't I know this was here?" I said in awe.

"Wait til you try the food!" Jenna laughed pulling me inside.

We sat in a both by the window and ordered our food and drinks, then began our conversation. I told her about how i was born in England, then came over here to Perdue acting. I told her almost everything there was about me, my family, my interests, all that you could think of. And she did the same. We spent over an hour talking about each other and our interests, turns out we actually have a lot in common.

"Smile!" I said to Jenna as I snapped a picture.

She did as I said, posing with two peace signs.


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"Beautiful." I said as I put my phone down. I looked up to see Jenna blushing a little but trying to distract herself by scrolling on her phone.

"Whacha doin?" I said leaning forward to look at her phone. She had her camera app open.

"Smile!" She said, mimicking what I did.

And I did.

[This is the photo, except yk in the diner and
y/n is in her outfit, this is just reference😂]

[This is the photo, except yk in the diner and y/n is in her outfit, this is just reference😂]

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"Beautiful" Jenna said smiling.

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