Guy Best Friend

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Sunny's POV

I was just in the hall standing next to my locker with Joseph by my side. "Sunny look who is back" said Adalia as she walked up with my friends. I looked where they were pointing. In the middle of the crowd was my old guy best friend Kiran. I was shocked to see him again. It felt like forever.

He walked beside Manny and Jose. They are the two guys who are into cars. They have the best cars because they make it themselves. They win each car show. Ramon has even tried to steal their car once. I couldn't believe how far Ramon hated someone enough to steal their cars.

I looked to Kiran again and annoying sophomores were standing there. At one point the most hated grade in the school is sophomores because they think they are the shit. Freshman are trying to be funny but they come off as annoying. Juniors are chill when they understand they don't need to care anymore.

Seniors really just want to go home. We don't care because we are here for a few hours. We like to be left alone and not deal with stuff at seven in the morning. Becoming an adult sucks. I do have a job and also I began driving in my Jeep. I just think this year should end already. That's one thing that I can't wait to happen. It's going by fast.

Just as Kiran and his friends were walking he stops and looks at me. I watched as he realized who I was. "Sunny" said Kiran as if my name was surprising. I looked at him still not believing how much he had changed.  "I haven't seen you in forever" he said. "How long has it been" said Tony as they did a hand shake. It was sacred between the group.

"Where did you go" said Adalia. "Yeah what happened to you" said Felicie as they did the hand shake. I knew Joseph was confused by this. He had a side smile as if he was curious and nervous. I smiled at him to show that this is a good thing. Kiran is a old friend of mine and we we're close back then.

"I moved and I'm back now" said Kiran with a big smile and laughter. "Yay" said Felicie with excitement. "At least you are back" said Adalia. "Dude let's celebrate" said Tony. They all looked to me because I usually have the parties at my house. I watched as my friends gave me puppy dog eyes. I couldn't believe they were giving me this look.

"Okay let's party" I said happily. I couldn't tell them no. I couldn't even look at Kieran's face as he gave me sad puppy dog eyes. He knows my weakness. I looked to Joseph who looked uncomfortable by his presence as well as Manny and Jose. Joseph isn't used to having them around the group.

I wouldn't blame him since I hardly talk to the two. "Yeah we can bring our cars" said Manny excitedly. "Sure why not" said Jose. "Cool" said Kiran as he agreed to the party. "We can bring the food" said Felicie. "You" questioned Adalia. We all looked to her laughing. "I'm the sugar mama so you mean me" said Adalia. "True" said Felicie.

"I love you"said Felicie as she tried to hide from Adalia's response. "Shut up" said Adalia who didn't want to hear it. They both smiled at each other. They really did have a love hate relationship. "Alright" said Tony who clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "I guess we have a deal" I said. "See you there Sunny" said Kiran with a smile.

I watched as the boys walked away. I turned to my friends who were overjoyed with having a party. I noticed Joseph looked at me with uncertainty. He has given me this look even when I introduced him to my friends. They still aren't that close but he does try. I feel as though he wouldn't change from this habit. He is just so quiet.

"I promise you will learn to like them" I said to Joseph as I held his hand in mine. He looked at me with soft eyes. I watched as he nodded his head understanding that they couldn't be too bad. "Okay" he said finally. I gave him a kindhearted smile. I watched as his frown slightly raised to form a tiny smile. That's all I needed from him.

I will prove to him how great this can be. Him and Tony can hangout with guys for a change. Us girls are solid. We have been friends since freshman year. I don't know where I would be without them. When Joseph was introduced it was amazing for Tony since he was alone. The only male in the group.

It was a big deal for him since he didn't want the attention to be taken away by him. Joseph secretly hated Joseph. He actually thought that Joseph was gay. He told me that Joseph wasn't so gay after all. He thought he pretended to be gay to be close to us. He didn't mean to assume but he thought about the possibility.

We would laugh together and he would lean his head on my shoulder. Tony would look at Joseph to make sure that was alright and Joseph thought he was flirting with me. It was a jealous mistake. I did understand how that looks but Tony had his eyes on someone else. We called it coworker romance.

Poor Tony liked this girl and he didn't make a move. They talked to each other but he never got her number. We tried to help him but he turned it down. We told him to get her number at work. He only said if she showed him interest then maybe he would make a move. So I don't know what to tell him.

I want to say he should do something first but the awkwardness is unbearable since they have school and work together. I remember how awkward it was with me and Joseph and I'm glad we made it work. I closed my eyes and I wished my friends would be happy in their relationships too.

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