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Sunny's POV

Me and Kiran were becoming how we used to be. We were each other's best friend. He knew me so well it was incredible. I did trust him a lot back then. It was good to have him back in my life. Deep down I knew their was a change in the air though. I had this weird feeling. I couldn't tell what it was at all.

"Blue is your favorite color" said Joseph as we were playing a game. He said that with so much happiness. He wasn't good at this game because he didn't guess anything correctly. My friends loot at him surprised. I looked at him with a little shock of disbelief. It was yellow, blue, and white. Those were my favorite colors. "Nope it's yellow" said Kiran.

He smiled at me and got another point. Every question that Kiran got about me was right but as I said he knew me the most. "Favorite animal" was the second question that Adalia read off the paper. It was Monday and we were tired about the test we had in seventh period. We just wanted to hangout.

"Turtles" said Joseph a little timid. "Dolphins" said Tony as he had to guess. I never told Tony my favorite animal but I told Joseph and Kiran. To be honest it's a trick question. "Butterflies but preferably pink butterflies" said Kiran. His answer was correct. I was kinda hurt that my boyfriend couldn't get a single one correct.

I knew all of his granted that my friends couldn't even guess one. They we're never close but still. I didn't know any of theirs either but I think he should have gotten one of them right since I am his girlfriend. I mean we have dated for this long. He should know at least something about me by now.

"Really" asked Tony. "Yeah" I said as I looked at Joseph. I saw him become uncomfortable under my gaze but I didn't care. These were basic questions for the talking stage. I know answers change over the years but mine never did. We would talk about this for hours. Yet he couldn't remember a thing.

"Favorite drink" asked Adalia. "Lemonade" said Kiran quickly. "Favorite ice cream" asked Felicie. "Mango or coconut" said Kiran even faster. I wasn't shocked but he was right. I kept looking at Joseph since he looked surprised that my favorite ice cream is mango. I always order this or coconut.

Not a lot of places have mango ice cream. I am a lot different from other girls. People call me a coconut girl. It's some type of aesthetic and to be honest I acutely would use it to describe me. I love how cute it is. It's a kinda old one but I like to represent it. "Last question" said Tony. We all went quiet.

"What is one thing that Sunny secretly wants most" said Tony. "To play volleyball" said Joseph as he closed his eyes as he thought about the question. "No" said Adalia. "Kids" said Kiran with a soft smile. I looked at him up and down in shock. How did he still remember that. I haven't told him that which feels like a entire century. "How" I said shocked.

"It doesn't take a genius to know that you want kids" said Kiran as he shrugged his shoulders with a perfectly white smile on his face. I still couldn't believe it. Joseph gave me a weird look. I honestly hated how he looked so surprised about this one. I have talked about this since I can remember.

"I have baby fever" I said as I looked at Joseph with a bit of a glare. "Damn you should know this" said Felicie. They looked to Joseph who turned away from their looks. I didn't even want to stick up for him. I knew he felt uncomfortable and he hated that feeling but I didn't care. How could he not know me.

This didn't make sense. Did he not care about what I liked and who I am as a person. After the round ended I turned away to look at the girls. Just as I did that Tony stood up and grabbed Kiran. I saw Tony whisper something in his ear. After both of them walked away from the circle. I thought that was weird but whatever.

Kiran's POV

Tony wanted to come and talk to me. We stopped right in front of the bathroom so we can speak privately. "What was that back there man" said Tony. "What" I said not knowing what he is talking about. "Dude I know" said Tony. I looked at him but I knew I couldn't fool him. He got me before the girls did which is something that shocked me.

"Yes I like her. I came back for her hoping she wasn't going to be with anyone else" I told Tony. "We'll that was stupid. Of course she would be dating someone" said Tony as he was being a smart ass. "Shut up you aren't helping" I told him. He just shrugged his shoulders. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Look I'd rather go for Sunny in a relationship than when she is single" I told him. I was jealous and most guys give up when she is single I won't make that mistake. "1 against 1 vs 1 against 20" he said thinking out loud. "I see what you mean" he said after. "I'm not wrong but it's not right either" I said.

We both left the bathroom since I didn't want to clarify anything. We walked out and everyone was looking at us. I didn't want to tell them what it was about. I froze but then Tony started talking. "Me and Kiran went to the bathroom together" he said. I watched as everyone looked at us weird.

Sunny's POV

"Never mind that sounds wrong" said Tony once he heard what he said. "That's what I was about to say" said Adalia. "I was like bro what" said Felicie. I couldn't stop laughing but I knew Joseph didn't even flinch at anything. Not even a smile and I really did wish that he would be closer with us. I keep trying but every time something happens he shuts it down. I looked away from him well I still tried to have fun.

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