Surf Girl

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Sunny's POV. One month pregnant

Kiran wanted to surprise me with a trip. My stomach got big over time. We got our dream shack. After we graduated we used all our money to pay for the house. We were overjoyed to start our dream life. This was a big part of our lives.

Kiran got the Jeep ready for the trip. We got in the vehicle and we took off. It was only a couple of minutes until we got to the dolphin lagoon. I didn't recognize it until we got here. When we arrived I couldn't wait to get into the water.

Less then a couple of minutes we were swimming. I laid on my board waiting to see the legendary dolphins. I couldn't believe it when I saw them swimming out. My legs were in the water and the rest of my body was on the board. I wanted to sit down so it is easier for me.

Kiran was on a different board so we wouldn't tip over and fall in. It was probably safer this way since the board could only handle so much weight. Kiran was over protective because he didn't know if I would fall in and hurt the baby. I thought he was being very overprotective.

I didn't mind anything but I knew he was trying to watch out for the both of us. As we floated over to the middle we watched as the dolphins circled us. I couldn't help but smile at the beautiful sight. The lagoon was full of dolphins and even turtles.

Wildlife came from everywhere. This is one of the few most beautiful places here. I sat on my board waiting for the dolphins to come to us. We are the only people out here. This really isn't a popular spot but I think it should be a national monument.

My legs were in the same side of the board as I kicked my legs slowly in the water. "Isn't it beautiful" said Kiran. I nodded my head as I looked up at him. I never thought I could love him more. This was such a beautiful moment for our little family. I don't have Ramona who kicks me out of family photos.

Just then one dolphin starts to swim to the surface. The dolphins here are friendly and you can swim with them. I was so excited to see what they were going to do. The silver and grey colors of the dolphin made them look so beautiful. Their black eyes looked so pretty above the water.

The dolphin started to rub his head softly against my stomach. Kiran was watching the dolphin carefully. He was being a protective baby daddy. I knew the dolphin wasn't going to hurt us. I know that dolphins love pregnant women because they can sense the double heartbeats.

I was so blessed to have captured this moment. Kiran started to calm down and melt at the beautiful sight. I was in tears because the dolphin cared about us. I love these adorable creatures. I want to protect them at all costs. I was overjoyed in this moment.

My heart was thumping so loud in my chest. "My heart" I said as I put my hand to my chest. "My world" he said as he blew me a kiss. More dolphins swam towards us. We stayed still and watched what each dolphin would do. Kiran was an absolute treasure. I never met anyone like him.

The more we stayed in the water the more I never wanted to leave. The sky was so bright. It was the perfect day to forget about family drama. I was free with my small little family. I couldn't believe how badly I wanted this to be our future forever. Kiran was going to be the perfect dad.

Kiran swam towards me and it made a few dolphins swim deeper into the water. Once he reached me Kiran put his hand on my stomach. "It feels like home" said Kiran as he gave me a kiss on the lips. I melted into his kiss never wanting to part. We we're running out of air by the time I stopped kissing him.

"You are going to be a great mom" said Kiran as he grabbed my hand in his. I never knew what these types of affections would mean to me. "You are going to be a amazing dad" I told Kiran as tears we're forming in my eyes. Today was so special to me. I couldn't believe how Kiran had this planned for the both of us. He was so sweet.

"The worst feeling in the world was when you leave" said Kiran. I looked at him hoping that he was speaking the truth. "The passenger seat goes from occupied to empty because you had to go home but now we are living in the same house raising our baby together" said Kiran. I couldn't hold back my tears.

I know for any guy they love their passenger princess. Usually after I will be a back seat queen with his prince or princess. I loved him even more for knowing this stuff about me. I was crying and Kiran held me closer to his body.

I cried in his arms feeling like my world was falling into place. Nothing was quite as peaceful as it is right now. I wished that my family could be this precious as the dolphin lagoon is right now. I closed my eyes to stop the tears. I never thought I'd cry this much.

My future looked so bright. I couldn't let Kiran leave me. "I appreciate everything you have ever done for me" I said as I held his hand tightly. I kissed him on the lips hoping that we would have the future that I had created in my head. Kiran was amazing and I had no other words to describe him.

I put my hand over my stomach. Our baby was going to have the best family they could ever ask for. I made my own family. I picked the people who were going to help me raise our child. I was happy to have Kiran who wasn't my family always comes first kind of guy. Kiran chose me over his family and made me the mother of his child.

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