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Sunny's POV. Callie is a few months old

I could say a few things since I am a mom. These will be a few things that normal moms would never tell you. I can see why my mom never told me this either. I have gone through weird changes since I had Callie. I have cried so many times.

I know that no matter how much I want the last piece of cake I would always give it to Callie. Everything really does hurt. I'm also always afraid of what might happen to everyone. I'm not as fearless or selfish. I'm not perfect either.

I try my best to be a good mom. I watch Callie sleep every night since we brought her home even when I needed the sleep. I still carry her a lot more than nine months. Even when Callie is crying for anything it breaks my heart. I want to make her happy.

I put her first every time. I know a lot of time mothers won't admit it even in the worst of days but I would do it all again. I had a easy baby and this means when Callie is a toddler she is going to be crazy. I didn't know why but I loved how she was able to sleep without a problem.

Now she is a bundle of energy just waiting to explode like a ticking time bomb. I have no idea how everyone can keep up with her. One time I caught Callie and Tony hanging out. "California knows how to party" sang Tony out loud in the house.

I saw Callie waving her hands as she was scotching across the floor. She couldn't walk yet but it was adorable. Tony kept singing and acting like she was dancing. Their relationship is the cutest. Sometimes it gives me joy to be raising her with another guy in the house. It may be weird but it's a blessing.

I will have Callie in my arms reading a book with Tony right beside me. They we're both listening to me reading the book to them. Once Callie was getting tired I was going to put her to sleep in her cradle. When I put the book down Tony was upset.

"Hey can you please finish reading it" said Tony who was begging me with puppy dog eyes. I never thought that he would like child books and rhymes. Tony really did like lullabies. I handed Tony the book so he could read it himself.

I don't know how he was so interested in readying these stories. If anyone was too loud he will shush us. Once he finished reading the story he will join whatever else we were doing. He always does this when it's story time. One time I brought snacks for Callie and I had to give them to him as well.

He even told me what snacks that he would want too. Tony is the baby of the group. It's honestly like the others aren't the same way either. Jose and Manny are young car guys so whenever they are over they are showing her to their cars. Like she even understands them becoming I don't.

So I have them and Kiran saying how they want to teach her about cars when she is older so she isn't impressed by someone's son changing her oil. I find it really cute but still she isn't old enough. The guys still want to teach her otherwise. To be fair the girls aren't any better either.

Adalia tries to put cute clothes on her every single part of the day. Felicie wants to put makeup on her to see how she looks. I'm always in the middle of stomping them from getting carried away. Callie is a young baby. I don't know how they will act when she gets older. I'm kinda scared of it actually.

Callie is being raised by young adult car guys and some of the girliest girls I know. She is going to have a weird mix of gifts when she starts to play with real toys and not baby ones. I'm already seeing how they are raising her. I just hope she is comfortable with everything they are teaching her.

Makeup and cars are one of the few things that can go together to make a cute breed. Who wouldn't be lucky to have both. I want her to have both worlds. I can't wait to see how she feels about the ocean. I haven't been able to take her but when I do I hope she loves it just as much as I do.

I want to show her how beautiful the water is. How warm the sand can be. Even how the wind sounds in the palm trees. I never thought I would miss it so much after there couple of months. I want to visit the beach again as soon as we can.

We have been busy getting her scheduled since she is becoming a toddler. It may be harder for us since there is so many people to watch her. I just wish that I am doing a good job raising Callie. I have so much support that I feel like I'm the one holding everyone back. I guess it's just the feeling of being a mom.

I have so much fear and anxiety just from raising Callie. I am overthinking everything and it's becoming overwhelming. Kiran says I'm doing a great job and that I should be proud of myself. I just hope he is right. I can't believe how much I have changed since I became a mom.

I cried so much since I gave birth to Callie. I will give everything to protect her from the world we live in. I want to be a great mom no matter what. There is no book to teach you how to raise a baby and I wish there was because I'm so uncertain. I just hope Callie is happy even though she can't speak.

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