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Sunny's POV. Six months pregnant

I was working today and I had to teach surfing lessons. I thought it was going to be okay surfing while I am six months pregnant. I mean I did it so many times and I will be extra careful.

I got in the water to teach my clients. I had to teach them by going on waves. I talked them through it instead of showing them how to do it. They knew I was pregnant so I think they tried to be patient with me. I was very thankful for that.

As we surfed through the water I tried to be cautious of everything around me. I was so nervous about standing up on my board. I was so focused about the stuff in front of me I didn't even notice the wave behind until it was too late.

This wave had a drop and I couldn't stop thinking the worse. I swam to shore once my body was in the water and off my board. My board helped me get to the shore safely. I was so happy to be back on shore but I was panicking. I don't know any pregnant surfers. I am so scarred of what happened.

I couldn't tell if the baby was okay. I was panicking and I couldn't breathe. Someone else took my shift to check on the surfers. I called everyone that I possibly could. I didn't know if anything was wrong. I felt my stomach drop when I went on the dip.

I called Tony because he was the only one off today. My boss let me go home once I calmed down. Tony picked me up but he was freaking out. "What happened" said Tony once I was in his car all buckled up. "I was on the board and a wave came behind me and it was a dip" I said.

"I panicked and my boss let me go home" I said telling him the whole story. "You shouldn't even be on the board" said Tony a little bit fearful for me and the baby. "I know" I said with a sigh. I really thought that I would be careful. I just panicked when my stomach dropped. I was scared for the baby.

When we got home I knew that my baby was okay. I called Kiran to let him know what happened. He told my that he would come to the house to check on me during his lunch break. I had to promise I was okay. He was wanting to come home now. I told him not to worry he insisted that he still saw me.

He wanted to make sure that the baby was okay. I agreed but he can only come at lunch. Me and Tony closed the door after us after we walked into the surf shack. We decorated it just how we wanted. I went to my room and changed into comfy clothes. I didn't want to wear my work outfit.

I came down to see what Tony was doing. "I got you a smoothie and some pineapple for you to snack on" said Tony. "Thank you" I said with a smile. We both put on a movie and we sat there watching it. The movie was called forty seven minutes down.

This is another reason why I would never get into a shark cage. Just as we we're hanging out I heard the garage door open and close. Kiran was home by the time we put on another movie. He came rushing in as soon as he closed the door.

"Are you okay" asked Kiran as he came into the living room. "Yes we are okay" I said as I put my hand on my belly. Kiran looked and sighed in relief. "I was watching them" said Tony. Kiran thanked Tony for helping me. We had a great team.

We we're glad to have another family here at the surf shack. We called us the house family. Everything worked out perfectly for us. I just hoped that this was just a scare and nothing serious. Now I was calm and able to relax. I was thankful for them helping me.

When we moved in here and we made our surf shack from top to bottom they made sure I didn't lift a thing. Kiran and Tony had to lift the couch. Felicie and Adalia we're picking up boxes. I found one and I was about to grab it. I had a big stomach by the time. "You're pregnant, don't you lift it" they would yell.

"I just want to help" I would tell them when they were carrying all the heavy stuff. I remember getting a few zits here and there during this time. My friends made me feel pretty and I was crying for two days because of how bad I looked. They supported me the entire time. We did it for the team.

Whenever they had me work out I would just lay down and eat. Kiran would tell me that exercise helps. I didn't mind it but it was a lot of work. I had to eat a lot because I was always hungry. I got my favorites like pineapple pizza and mango ice cream.

We had games for all of us so it can be fair. When the baby started kicking I was surrounded immediately. Everything laid beside me on the couch. Everyone had their hands on my stomach trying to feel the babies kick. Tony thought it was so weird at first and so did Kiran. The girls fell in love with this feeling.

I wished that we could team parent like that all the time. I still had stuff to deal on my own. My boobs are big enough to touch my stomach. They got bigger over time too. I was glad Kiran didn't care because all he wanted was to kiss my belly. I just had to make sure he wouldn't eat my food.

Pregnancy Wishes जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें