Coconut Girl

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Sunny's POV. Eight weeks pregnant

I had a surf competition today well I am eight weeks pregnant. My mom yelled at me because she was scared so much movement would cause something during the first trimester. She was overly concerned. Ramona yelled at me and called me suicidal.

She even said I had intentions of killing my own baby. She said if I was ashamed to die just do it after the baby is born. I was so pissed off with her. I learned Ramona will go to extreme lengths of lying to Kiran. I couldn't believe how far she would go.

She was telling him that I was the reason she can't see her son or grandchild. The whole time she was given chance after chance but enough was enough. When it comes to my kid I don't play. Ramona talks shit behind my back to Gabriel but she never says it to my face. This is why she gets on my nerves.

Ramona only hates me because they want your man. Their son in other words. I know once I match her energy then suddenly I'm the villain. Ramona claims she can't stand me but she keeps up with everything me and Kiran do. They are the toxic ones.

Most people might say me and Kiran are wrong for not letting his parents around our baby. Instead we are doing what's best for our little family after we gave them many chances. They kept bringing us down and they started telling people this is not their grandchild. Which pissed me off because this was supposed to stay a secret.

Only family and our closest friends were going to know about the pregnancy. I took a test to show Kiran's parents that it is his baby. I was beyond words that they didn't accept the baby even after they knew it was Kiran's child. Telling other people this was wrong.

Ramona is still making Kiran choose between our child and them. That's why I think it is too late for them. They have to change their minds and show us respect for the little family or little lifestyle we are trying to build. I am having to become the person who doesn't take disrespect and having to call them out on their bullshit.

I know I can't keep my baby away from a toxic family. People will see this as I'm hurting my child in the long run because they won't have grandparents. I have given them respect and they just have to show us respect to still stay in the picture. My baby will be happy with the family they will have now.

I made the decision of Ramona being allowed to be around my baby just not me. That was until she pushed it too far today. Now it is if you don't respect me then you won't be around my child. I don't care how she feels after. I'm returning her behavior.

I won't ever know they like me but I know that they can barely like themselves. I mean Ramona is acting like she wants to date Kiran. This is why I think they don't like themselves. I don't think they ever really can change who they are. That's what is sad.

Just thinking about all of this just gets me stressed. I still had my surf competition. Kiran bought me the same bouquet just like the first one he got me. It had pink butterflies and fairy lights. I was so happy to be entering my first trimester like this.

Kiran is having to get used to becoming my full time house psychiatrist. I will need him a lot to help me. He is getting me only the best ginger ale and saltiness for me. Kiran has been calling me his queen since I am having our little Prince or Princess.

He will also have to remember what's it like being a virgin. It's just stuff that I have read in books. I need to know a few things to help myself and my baby. As I was in my swimsuit ready to surf I watched the other girls getting ready to hit the waves.

This was a big competition for girls. We supported each other as much as we could. I brought my big surf bag and a towel. These were my essentials. Surf wax and carmex is always needed. Lotion and sunscreen is important to me. I still need to protect my skin from the salt water.

I even brought my GoPro camera with me. I brought my hydro flask so I can keep hydrated. I grabbed my sun hat as I stood in the sun. I had to bring my zilly conditioner for my hair. All of this was in my bag including a wax comb. It's a lot of stuff.

I even have more stuff but my mom is holding my bag. I have a brush and surf ears. I have my water boots along with my rash guard including a poncho. I already have my wetsuit in that bag. All competitors have to bring their own stuff.

At the beach they have pink boards to know who is competing. They have a art table for surf art for people watching. They have the check in both and lifeguards. Who hear the announcers from the top. I can see the trophies all lined up. I was happy to have everyone supporting me.

I know once I have this baby I may not be able to always have time. I wished my child can be a surfer just like me. I mean anyone and everyone is down here. The cheering of the crowds as people ran to position. From where I was standing you can see people doing the wave with their hands.

I was so pumped and ready to go. I turned to Kiran. I handed him back the butterfly bouquet. Kiran pulled me closer before I had to go. "Be safe please for the both of you" said Kiran. "I will" I said giving him a kiss. He kissed me back and pulled away to say "win this." I nodded my head and grabbed my board.

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