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Sunny's POV

After what happened yesterday Joseph still never got over what had happened. I walked towards him at school and I wanted him to look at me. Kiran did it to save my life. "Joseph" I called his name as he walked fast. I grabbed his arm gently and he turned to look at me. "You kissed him" he yelled.

"What" I said confused and upset. I know for a fact that I didn't kiss him. He didn't kiss me either because it was CPR. "He saved my life" I said to him. "Yeah right" said Joseph. This pissed me off so much and I knew he was more upset than I am. "It sounded like you didn't like my answer and I'm not changing it because he saved me" I said.

"You kissed him" said Joseph as he raised his voice. "I expressed my position and I'm not changing my mind" I said stating what I told him already. He thinks that I liked him kissing me. It was CPR. "Did you like it" he asked again. I rolled my eyes because this was getting old. He was guilt tripping me.

"Answer the question" demanded Joseph. "I hear what you are saying and my answer is still no" I said. "You liar" he said out loud. I was starting to become very uncomfortable. All the attention was on us. "I'm not shifting my boundary" I said hoping people start to look away. "You are a slut" he said to me. I was actually about to start crying when those words came out of his mouth.

Half of the hallway was already staring at us. "You are pushing against my boundary" I said as tears we're glossed over my vision. What do I do in a situation like this. "Just say that you like Kiran" said Joseph. I looked at the floor timed. I hate feeling so small so cramped with my heart breaking. I loved Joseph but he was so cruel to me.

"Just say you wanted to cheat on me" Joseph yelled in frustration. I never met this side of Joseph and it scared me. This wasn't the person I wanted to be with. "You're trying to make me feel bad" I said as my tears were caught in my throat. "No I'm making you tell the truth" he said enraged.

I shock my head as tears we're falling down my cheeks. This wasn't supposed to happen. Out of anger and sadness the words rolled off my tongue and I said "Stop trying to make me feel bad for wanting something different than you." I never knew I was holding this in but I felt pounds lift from my chest. "You we're so quiet" I said to him.

"That was never my fault" I said so everyone can hear. I don't know what came over me but I had to defend myself. I am not another school slut. "We can want different things" was the last thing I said before I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I looked to see that it was Kiran and my friends.

"Go away little bitch" yelled Adalia. "Yeah nobody fucking liked you anyway" said Felicie as she was pissed off from when he called me a slut. They all engulfed me in a big hug. I knew the boys wanted to kick his ass but I didn't want them too. I still loved Joseph even when he acted like a jerk.

Just as Tony and Kiran glared at Joseph he walked to our lockers. Ramon was there leaning against it. "Sunny D isn't here to protect you this time" he said as he punched his fists together. Everyone went quiet as quiet innocent Joseph punched Ramon in the face. We couldn't believe that he was winning.

The hall gasped in shock. Teachers and security pulled them apart. "This time it wasn't me" said Ramon as he kept fighting against the restrains. Joseph walked past me with an angry look but he looked at the ground soon after. I didn't do that to him. "Someones gonna pay" said Ramon.

I watched as he looked at me. I shook my head because I didn't do anything. Kiran kept his arms around me. I was crying still and I didn't even notice. I called him mine. I babied him. I comforted him. I stood up for him. I helped him with everything and he did nothing. How could I have been so foolish. How was I happy with him.

I didn't fully treat him like a baby but still I helped him with his issues. Just as I thought it was over I saw Zackary run up to me. "Are you okay" he asked me. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him. "Just back off" said Kiran. I new that Zackary and Kiran didn't like each other but nobody liked Zackary.

"It will be okay" said Kiran. "How dare he" said Felicie. "I swear" said Adalia in anger. "No" said Tony as he was holding them back. "What just happened" said Manny as he tan towards us. "I know I didn't expect Joseph to pack a punch" said Jose. I didn't know what to do. I was shaking.

I felt my whole body trembling. My hands were shaking with anxiety. I could this be happening. I was scared of what just happened. Did Joseph show his true colors to me. Was that how he really felt deep down. Did I create a monster by being with him. I was second guessing our whole relationship.

"Shh it's okay" said Kiran as he grabbed my body closer to him. I held my hands in his. "Everything will be okay" he whispered in my ear. His head was leaning against my hair. He slowly rocked me back and further as I watched Joseph and Ramon being taken to the principals office.

This was not how I imagined my day going when I woke up today. I wished I can forget that all of this happened. I don't want to remember this moment of me crying on the floor with my friends hugging me after Joseph punched Ramon in the face. I don't want to remember.

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