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Sunny's POV

After I told Kiran we got our families together to talk about the baby. I was so nervous about what was going to happen. I could be kicked out and living on the streets. This situation was so terrifying. I had no idea what to expect. I knew my family would be pissed about me being pregnant.

We we're having dinner outside in the sun. We had it at my house. "So why did you bring us all here" said Ramona. She was Kiran's mother. Sitting right beside her was Gabriel her husband. That was Kiran's father. "They just wanted us to be with each other like how they were childhood friends" said Carlin.

She was trying to cover for us. We we're about to sit down but I knew this was going on long enough. "I'm pregnant" I said as Kiran wrapped his arms around me. "We are going to raise our child together" said Kiran. I watched as everyone went quiet but Carlin started cheering. "I'm going to be a auntie" she said.

I watched everyone's reactions. "As long as you are sure" said my mother. I knew that she was sick to her stomach but her and my dad showed me support. They probably hated this but it's too late to take anything back. "We support you" said my dad.

"Congratulations" said Isaiah. His answer shocked me the most but I think it was because he didn't want to imagine his sister having sex with someone. "Thank you guys so much" I said as tears started to form in my eyes. I looked to Kiran's family.

"You are dumb for having a baby" said Gabriel. "You are messing up your life. Just leave Sunny and come with us right now" said Ramona. She was glaring at me. I get her and her husband are professionals and have high degrees but still. They we're demanding that he left me. I was scared of what to say.

"The baby will need child support" said my father. "He won't pay your daughter of a slut for child support. This is probably not even his baby. I would like a DNA test" said Ramona. We have been childhood friends why would she hate me this much. She was acting as if I was the villain.

I know that she is still Kiran's mother so I have to respect her even if she is disrespecting me. "You had me at a young age so how is this any different" said Kiran as he stood up for me. "I wasn't a hoe. She will treat you like shit and ruin your chances of happiness" said Ramona. Gabriel just nodded his head. "Don't speak about our daughter like that" said my dad.

"Maybe you should see if she has HIV" said Ramona. I swear she gave me the most dirtiest look when she said that. "See Kiran this girl might have gave you a disease. Why did you have to throw your life away" said Ramona as she pleaded with Kiran. "I didn't do anything" said Kiran as he glared at her.

I knew once she didn't support us it was going to be a disaster. I always saw mother in laws who are sweet and supportive. Instead all I got was a narcissist who wants Kiran all to herself. She was also a teen mom so why did she dislike me so much. I knew she had more time with Kiran because of their age gap but still. She should give me a chance.

"I'm sorry but you can't speak ill about my daughter" said my mom. "Yeah that's my sister" said Isaiah. I watched as they stood up for me. "She is carrying your grandchild" said Carlin who looked like she was going to fight Ramona. I had to stop this family argument. This wasn't a great first start.

I was letting Kiran's mom disrespect me. She was walking all over me. I wanted to stand up for myself.  Nobody should have to defend me. I wanted to return the same energy she was giving me. It was so unfair about how she was talking about me. I couldn't believe what she was saying.

"Leave our house" demanded my father. He was furious. He pointed the house door. It was such a pretty day. If things only went better. "If that's what Kiran wants to do then he should be a father. Either way the child support is another matter" said my mom who was trying to be reasonable.

"I want to stay here with Sunshine" said Kiran. With everyone talking over each other I heard him say my nickname. He wanted this as bad as I did. My eyes were glossy with tears. I wanted to cheer and celebrate. I was just sad to not have his family support him. We both wanted this when I told him I was pregnant.

I don't know if they could ever except us. Who knows what the best is. Right now it depends on what we want. I looked at Kiran who was standing up to his family. He shouldn't have to do this. I do want a family of my own. Kiran is the father and I think he should be with us.

A proper family but his parents want to strip him away from what he wants. "You wanted us to move back here so you can be with this common girl" said Gabriel. "I always wanted to be with her" said Kiran. My heart was pounding in my chest. I've never seen him so protective before.

I slowly moved to Kiran and I grabbed his hand. "Everyone this is what we want" I said loudly enough to grab everyone's attention. Kiran looked down at me and gave me a soft smile. He put his hand over mine. "This siren put a spell on you" said Ramona. "Say all you want mother but I'm not leaving" said Kiran.

I closed my eyes and wished that instead of this disrespect his family should except us for what we are about to do. We are going to bring another life into this world. Their grandchild included. "Ramona I could deny you any right to see the baby" I said. She gave me a shocked look. "So if you don't want that then let's act like adults" I said getting her attention. Hopefully this works.

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