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Sunny's POV. Callie is a toddler

I have Callie all to myself today. Callie is now a full grown toddler. She can walk and talk. She may need a little bit more help but she is growing up fast. She also isn't the only one who changed either. I have grown in my own way too.

I also learned that Kiran has been keeping a secret from me. So secretly Callie calls Kiran not the mama instead of dada. I don't know how I never heard this before. I guess she has done it since she said mama first. I don't know how but she barely called Kiran dada not too long ago. I don't know how I never noticed this.

I wish I did because I was so unsure of myself being a good mom. I would have wanted to Kiran tell me about this. I know that he maybe felt like he wasn't a good father because Callie would call him not the mama behind my back. I was so nervous about myself that I didn't know Kiran was hidden this.

I loved Kiran even more for supporting me. I was glad we are able to raise the perfect little girl. I was happy to have her all to myself for today. I came back from work so I had my surf stuff and her bag. I had to much stuff to bring inside. I put everything away. Once I did I got into another bathing suit.

I put on Callie's second bathing suit as well. We have one for the ocean and one for our hot tub. I got us both in to relax my muscles from a whole morning of teaching new surfers. It was a great way for me to relax. I also get Callie used to the water temperature.

The ocean was really cold today and I didn't want Callie to get sick. After we stayed in there for a hour I turned off the hot tub and went inside the shack. Once we we're dried I changed both of us in comfortable clothes. We are able to be cozy in our pullover. It's the best way to relax.

As me and Callie were all warmed up I made us lunch. I made me protein balls and a sandwich. Callie had apple slices and a kids meal that I had to warm up. We both had a great day together. I had the most wonderful time this morning with my daughter. I didn't want to let this moment end.

Personally I do believe I'm not meant to work because I'm meant to do this all day. Just surf and being with Callie is my one true calling. Getting in the hot tub after a cold surf session was the best part of my day because I got to see Callie play with her water toys. I loved the smallest moments with her.

It really was just the best feeling in the world. I don't take anything for granted for a second. I'm truly able to do the thing I love the most everyday. Just being able to surf and being with my daughter is all I need to have a perfect day. I just wish Kiran was with us.

The last time we had a beach day as a small family Kiran had found a great white shark tooth. He found it coming into the shore. It was the biggest shark tooth I have ever saw. When I was a little younger I had a full collection of shark teeth and sea shells. I never had one as big as this size.

I was just waiting for everyone else to come home. My family was coming over tonight to hangout with us and Callie. We also invited Manny and Jose to join us. We called them family more then what we call Ramona and Gabriel. We stopped having them come over to see Callie after what they pulled.

They became even more meaner to me after Callie started to grow more hair when she was just a young baby. She was a couple of months old and she looked like a mini me. Kiran heard them calling me ugly and her so beautiful. Kiran was feed up with their shit.

Honestly if I ever was going to have a son I would teach him that his family comes before me. I'm his mother. I want to normalize loving our children's partners. I'm teaching my daughter the same thing because Kiran's family put me through so much that I had to snap at them. I want them to have better.

If Ramona wants to fix the relationship she has with my family then she has to apologize to me. If she doesn't Kiran won't talk to them or let her see Callie. His father did nothing to prevent this from happening. I blame him just as much for not stepping up and standing up to her when she was in the wrong. I at least deserved that from him.

He saw how she acted but now they lost more than what they wanted because instead of gaining anything she lost a grandchild and a son. I never showed them any bad emotions or disrespected them. This is what they did all on their own. I couldn't believe how many chances we gave them.

They still ran everything in the mud after all the warnings we told them about. I can't make people do what I want but at least my daughter won't deal with a family like that. Kiran has become a man by telling his family to back off. It's simply trove best little family I got out of the three of us.

It's just the foundation of our family. Mothers shouldn't be obsessed with their sons. A son should never but his family first because it ends in disaster. I'm also teaching my daughter this because it can also go both ways. I'm family oriented and that is a different story. I want everyone to be together and I'm still glad how things turned out.

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