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Sunny's POV

Me and Carlin we're cleaning up the beach. She wanted me to join her after school. I have been busy because my family keep's inviting me to things. I still don't know how to tell Joseph but I have calmed down since the incident. It's good to just breathe. I looked to Carlin who was cleaning the shoreline.

She reminded me of my dad. She hard darker hair with big eyes and a big bright smile. We used to sneak out and come to the beach and party together. We we're close to each other age wise so we would be together any chance we got. We loved to swim when it was nighttime. Yes it was scary but we did it anyway.

"Hey after do you want to buy pizza" asked Carlin. "Pineapple pizza please" I said knowing that she would make a face after I say that. "Eww" said Carlin. She looked like she was about to barf. "Why ask if you know you won't like it" I told her. I honestly loved pineapple pizza.

It was a good mix of sweet and savory. "I still have to ask" said Carlin in a duh tone. I just laughed at her. She and a lot of other people won't understand. "Nobody even likes pineapple pizza to begin with" said Carlin. "We'll the six precent agrees with me" I said knowing more people have to like it too.

"Sure just keep dreaming since it's not popular" said Carlin. "We'll why is it at every pizza place" I said in a smart ass tone. "Because it just has to be there for people with different taste buds" said Carlin as she nodded her head. I just rolled my eyes as I put more stuff in the trash bag. "Sure" I told her.

"God I'm hungry" said Carlin. "Go order the pizza" I told her. Pineapple pizza was my favorite food after all. "Okay I will" laughed Carlin as she went to grab her phone. She went to go and take the call. I couldn't help but laugh at my sister. She is another great influence on my life.

She told me that I will come across a man that will worship the ground I walk on. He will love and cherish every inch of me. My personality, body, mind  and just like every thing else that makes me unique. The man I meet will do everything in his power to not lose me. She told me to stop settling for half ass men. That's the best advice I heard from her.

She was the type of person to say no one can use screenshots against  her because she truly means everything she says. It was true and some times it wasn't always the best. At least we tried to get along too. Once my sister got upset with Joseph for me. It was one of the most funniest things to happen.

He was driving us to the beach and my sister was in the back seat seat. Five minutes after we left our neighborhood she said "it's funny how you haven't complimented my sister who spent this whole morning to get ready and picking out an outfit." I remember I had to tell her to relax. Joseph was so embarrassed that he was bright red.

I couldn't laugh since I know he wouldn't like it. Instead Carlin kept talking but me and him both stayed in silence. Maybe at the time I should have been upset since I tried so hard to make sure I looked good. I took hours doing makeup and picking out the perfect outfit. I would change five times.

My sister from that day forward was smart about how she viewed men. She thinks women will naturally submit when they feel safe, protected and led by a strong man. She thought if a girl was acting masculine she would tell me to ask myself if he was being a man or a little boy. To be fair I never wanted to listen to it because it was harsh.

Now I should have listened. I was feeling held back from what I loved. I made everything work and maybe it was hard on me. I didn't understand why I was never able to meet his family either. We hanged out with everyone in my family. To me it just never made sense. I tried to understand it but I couldn't.

She was one of the people that I was close with back then. We didn't get along but it was a sibling thing. I used to be a different person back then. I used to be so private to the point where I knew who had any of my business. I just know who I told. My sister helped me out of that. She just be there for me. That's all I needed.

After she came back after the call she came back towards me. "I ordered the pizza and yes even your favorite" said Carlin. "Thank you" I said as I grabbed the trash bag. I stood up and I walked to the dumpster. "All done" I said as my trash bag was full. "Lucky" pouted Carlin. I knew she was distracted this whole time. She was looking at all the guys here.

She was picky but she still had eyes. I laughed since she was a weird mix of didn't care but also had high standards. She was swimming with a guy and he was drowning in the back ground and she said this ain't about him. She was her own person and she had a strong personality at that. One that I could never have.

I loved my sister but she was a lot at times. I didn't understand who we could be related. I looked at my phone as it got a message. I pulled it out to see Kiran. I am still so nervous from what my mom told me about him. I just wish I was as confident as my sister to be able to ask him if he really did just move back here for me.

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